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12:20 PM
@SolidSnake Site-To-Site is not a proxy. Perhaps a diagram of what you are trying to accomplish may make it easier to follow your use case? Could you share such a diagram that shows flow of connections and what is happening now versus a diagram that shows what you want to happen. You have a 2 node nifi cluster using invokeHTTP processor making a request to a handleHttpRequest processor on the standalone NiFi (1 node cluster) and then the FlowFile generated by the HandleHttpRequest processor is end via Site-To-Site to the NiFi cluster that then routes to a HandleHttpResponse? Maybe i am not following very well, but I don't understand why you are doing that if I understand your flow correctly? Why isn't the same node that receives the the request via the HandleHttpRequest processor also sending the response via a HandleHttpResponse processor? Thanks, Matt
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