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2986 | 12-29-2020 07:53 AM |
06:06 AM
Hello Timothy! Could you elaborate, please?
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07:53 AM
1 Kudo
Hello everyone! I'm here to post the solution i was able to develop to solve my problem. I managed to do the following: GetFile -> SplitRecord (converting to JSON) -> EvaluateJsonPath (to get key columns) -> ExecuteSQL (select with keys to check if exists) -> RouteOnAttribute (to execute update or insert depending on select result) -> ExecuteSQL (It can be update or insert).
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11:31 AM
Hello Community! Hope you're all doing fine. I'm beggining my Nifi studying and i'de like to replicate a process that i have running in other plataforms. My goal is to read a CSV and process it row by row to insert into a sql server table. So far so good, i was able to do this with the following: GetFile -> SplitRecord -> ConvertRecord (to json) -> ConvertJSONtoSQL -> UpdateAttribute (date conversion) -> PutSQL. But i need to validade if the record already exists in the destiny table. Can anyone help me with that? Already looked for but i wasn't able to find somethig like it. If you guys have a solution that is better and completely different, no problem, i'm open to any change. Thanks in advance!
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Apache NiFi