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06:12 PM
@Shelton - Thanks for your response. I am able to grant role to a user in Sentry through beeline. CREATE ROLE datascientist;
GRANT ROLE datascientist TO USER mayank; Above commands seems to work fine in Beeline, I am also able to view role in users current roles SHOW CURRENT ROLES;
| tab_name |
| datascientist |
----------------- However when I execute the same command in Impala. I don't see any roles assigned to this user.
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09:59 AM
Hi, We have setup a cluster by manually installing all the Tarballs Hive and Impala have been configured to use sentry for authorization. We have created roles in Sentry using following Hive command create role admin; Next we are trying to assign this role to a user: GRANT ROLE admin to user mayank; Above command works fine in Hive, however it fails in Impala with the following error: AnalysisException Encountered: IDENTIFIER Expected: GROUP Now when we try to run the following command from Hive: show current roles; We can see the result: admin However same command in Impala doesn't return any result. It seems Impala is only recognizing Role entitlements to Group and not to a User unlike Hive. Please let me know if this is by design or due to configuration Error in our cluster Hive version: 2.3.2, Senty version: 2.0, Impala version: 2.7
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