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11:58 AM
Thank you for replying. I have tried so many different ports and I am even trying external zookeeper. None of my nifi's can connect to any port I provide them. It's almost like something is wrong with the code. I have installed ZK on one of my actual nifi servers and that starts up immediately on port 2181. That's what is leading me to think it's something in the code. The other odd thing I keep seeing is, apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxnSocketNetty future isn't success.
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02:30 PM
I'm running nifi-11.14.0. I switched to embedded on my cluster and I'm still getting connection refused to port 2181 for only one of the nifi's. In addition, I'm seeing this error. KeeperErrorCode - ConnectionLoss for /nifi/components/RulesManagerID. Any other ideas? This messages did go away: Exception causing close of sessions 0x0 Len error 369296128. Also, I can't share my files on here. My state-management.xml Connect String: >zoo.mydomain:2181,zoo2.mydomain:2181,zoo3.mydomain:2181< I have ssl configured and server.1-zoo.mydomain:2888:3888;2181 server.1-zoo2.mydomain:2888:3888;2181 server.1-zoo3.mydomain:2888:3888;2181 embedded zookeeper: true nifi.zookeeper.connect.string=zoo.mydomain:2181,zoo2.mydomain:2181,zoo3.mydomain:2181
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02:51 PM
I have installed nifi on 3 hosts and zookeeper on one, for now. In the nifi-app.log, I keep seeing these errors. org.apache.nifi.priority.Rul;esManager Exception occurred when trying to update rules from teh stateManageProvider. Failed to obtain value from zookeeper for component with ID RulesManagerID with the exception code CONNECTIONLOSS. I'm running zookeeper-3.4.13 until I can get a later release. In addition, in my zookeeper.out log, These messages keep rolling in the log: Accepted socket connection from /IP/port Exception causing close of sessions 0x0 Len error 369296128 Closed socket connection for client /IP/port (no session established for client) Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cathy
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Apache NiFi