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07:24 AM
Hi @MattWho, Any help that i can get from you? thanks. I would like to clear state everyday without stopping the processor. Thanks.
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08:04 AM
Hi @drewski7 , I noticed that the invokeHTTP processor will only POST request to clear state when the updateAttribute processor which contain the state is STOP. Error Message: i got from invokeHTTP processor "UpdateAttribute[id=e6c537bd-c24b-1801-6fdd-b37c23c97fcd] cannot be updated because it is not stopped" 1) If it is true, how can i make the invokeHTTP processor to clear the state when the updateAttribute processor is running 2) If it is not true, what are the step or setting i should set to make sure the invokeHTTP processor clear the state of the updateAttribute processor while both processor is running ? thanks.
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04:42 PM
Hi @drewski7, Thanks for the replying. From your reply, I have added in NiFi InvokeHTTP processor which will automatically help to reset my seq no. counter every morning. I am using the second method above which using seq no. which store state locally. I have set the HTTP Method to POST and HTTP URL to https://[ip:port]/nifi-api/processors/${processor-id}/state/clear-requests I have scheduled the NiFi InvokeHTTP Processor to run every morning 00:00 using CRON driven Scheduling Strategy Below image are the NiFi UpdateAttribute Processor which show the processor ID that i used inside my HTTP URL Just to check did i did it correctly as what you mention in your reply ? I tried to change my computer time to 11:55 pm and let it run to 00:00 the next day, but it does not invokeHTTP POST request once it reach 00:00. I might have made some mistake somewhere. appreciate if you could advise me with example and explanation. Thanks a lot.
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06:40 AM
Hi, Every 5 min i have a file generated from the NiFi Processor GenerateFlowFile: filename_0.xml filename_1.xml filename_2.xml .... I would like to asked how do i reset the sequence no. everyday ? Thanks. Would appreciate help with example and explanation. The first method i found is using nextInt(): the second method is using seq: Please advise me with steps and example. thanks
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
11:37 PM
Hi, I would like to enquire about the missing access policies features as I run my nifi instance. Step that I did: 1) Generate the certificate and key (keystore.jks, truststore.jks, Command: .\bin\ standalone -n "localhost" 2) Copy the above 3 cert to ".\nifi-1.23.2\conf" 3) Generate the user's client certificate to authenticate to NiFi Command: .\bin\ standalone -C "CN=sys_admin, OU=NIFI" 4) Load the client certificate into web browser (EDGE) 5) Populate the Initial Admin Identity Open authorizers.xml in ".\nifi-1.23.2\conf" In UserGroupProvider section, replace <property name = "Initial User Identity 1"><property> to <property name = "Initial User Identity 1">CN=sys_admin, OU=NIFI<property> In accessPolicyProvider section, replace <property name = "Initial Admin Identity"><property> to <property name = "Initial Admin Identity">CN=sys_admin, OU=NIFI<property> 6) Start NiFi Command: ,\bin\run-nifi.bat 7) Open Web browser to https://localhost:9443/nifi
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
10:55 PM
Hi, I am currently trying to count the number of files in the directory. The command that I keyed to count in the windows command prompt is "dir /a:-d /s /b "D:\Testing\UploadFile" | find /c ":"" I am trying to use NiFi to apply the above command using the ExecuteStreamCommand processor. Currently I am facing the "Access Denied error" as shown in the picture. Execute Stream Command Processor Error Execute Stream Command Processor Properties Appreciate if anyone could help with an example and explanation. Thanks. Note: the fileslocation set in the properties is the path to the file.
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- Labels:
NiFi Registry
10:52 PM
Scenario: I have a List File Processor looking out for incoming file ("file 1"). I scheduled it to start picking up the "file 1" 20s after the "file 1" is downloaded. Let assume that the List File Processor noticed the incoming "file 1" and started the delay 20 sec before picking the "file 1". In the middle of 20 sec delay, there is an new incoming file ("file 2") noticed by the List File Processor. List File Processor will be interrupt and reset the 20 sec schedule time when ("file 2") appear within the previous 20 sec delay Could the List File Processor in the middle of 20 sec delay be interrupt and restart the initial delay? Appreciate help with explanation and example. Thanks.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
NiFi Registry
03:39 AM
Hi, Would like to seek an example of caching the 2 singe flow file attribute (filename attribute) and store it for later part processing. Scenario: 1) Folder containing (file1.xml and file2.txt) 2) Using NiFi GetFile processor to get both file 3) Get the attribute of both files (filename) 4) store it for future storage into database Looking forward for the help with example and explanation. Appreciate the helps. Thanks
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
NiFi Registry
08:06 PM
Hi @MattWho Thanks for your help. Appreciate.
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