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05:25 AM
The stack traces for Error 1 and Error 3 are incomplete. To gain a better understanding of the issue, please provide the complete stack traces. Sharing the complete appLogs will provide a comprehensive view of the situation Regarding error 2, it appears that the job is attempting to create over 2000 dynamic partitions on a single node, which is an unusual behavior. Please review the partition column values for correctness. If everything appears to be in order, you can consider adjusting the following configurations: hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode
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05:31 AM
From the error could see the query failed in MoveTask. MoveTask can be loading the partitions as well since the load statement belongs to the partitioned table, Along with HS2 logs HMS logs for the corresponding time period gives a better idea to identify the root cause of the failure. If it's just timeout issue, increase client socket timeout value.
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02:40 AM
Hi @dmharshit With the below log, difficult to provide a solution because it don't have full logs. Please create a cloudera case to check the logs and provide a solution. ERROR : FAILED: Execution Error, return code 30041 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.spark.SparkTask. Failed to create Spark client for Spark session c-47f2-aceb-22390502b303 Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 30041 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.spark.SparkTask. Failed to create Spark client for Spark session d6d96da5-f2bc-47f2-aceb-22390502b303 (state=42000,code=30041)
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02:54 AM
Hi @dmharshit In case you have empty x_portal_user table, you can re-init your db with ranger init script "range_core_db_<db-type>.sql" Here is example command for mysql: $ mysql -h hostname -u user ranger < `locate ranger_core_db_mysql.sql` Restart Ranger then login with admin/admin.
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09:45 AM
Any solution found for this ? I am having same issue, both HiveServer and Spark Gateway present on same node where executing query
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01:07 AM
Could you please share screenshots of the Instance tab from both Hive and Hive on Tez services? Based on our experience, the following action should resolve the issue. Stop and delete the "HiveServer2" and "WebHCat" instances from Cloudera Manager > Hive > Instances Check that the role "HiveServer2" is present in Cloudera Manager > Hive on Tez > Instances Verify the Configuration page for 'Hive on Tez'; ensure that 'Hive Metastore Connector' is pointed at the Hive service that is running the Hive Metastore Restart the stale services
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10:37 AM
Hello @dmharshit For issue 1 You must have administrative privileges to access it. For issue 2 TezUI has become obsolete and should be disabled. To disable the same, set = false In Cloudera Manager UI -> Hive on Tez -> Configs -> Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml
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09:08 PM
Hi @dmharshit As you know, Cloudera provides the Hybrid data platform, so you can install the CDP product in on-premises and public cloud or both. CDP Private Cloud Base product is supported only for On-Premises cluster. CDP Public Cloud Base product is supported for public cloud like AWS, Azure, GCP. @fzsombor already shared references how you can install CDP Private cloud and how to install Spark3 as well. Please let me know still you need any further information.
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11:41 PM
@dmharshit Yarn queue where the Tez application gets submitted don't have enough capacity to start a new application. You should be able to see tez application in yarn rm -> accepted applications. Tune NM capacity + reduce following configs to let yarn accept & launch new application. -- Setting AM size to 512mb set; -- Setting Task container size to 512mb set hive.tez.container.size=512;
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02:25 AM
@dmharshit , Could you please share the output of this command? namei -l /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar Cheers, André
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