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06:02 AM
@sambeth NiFi authorization lookups require an exact case sensitive match between the resulting authentication user string or associated group string (NIFi user group providers configured in the authorizers.xml are responsible for determining associations between user strings and group strings within NiFi) and the user/group strings which the the authorized policies are assigned to. So if the User identity string that results after Authentication process is: "CN=John, OU=Doe", then that exact case sensitive string must be what the policies are authorized against. NiFi does provide the ability to use Java regular expressions post authentication to manipulate the authentication string before it is passed on for authorization. These Identity mapping pattern, value, and transform properties can be added to the file. For example:^CN=(.*?), OU=(.*?)$$1 Now if Authentication resulted in string "CN=John, OU=Doe", the above Regex would match and the resulting user client string would be "john" (capture group 1 is value used and transformed to all lowercase) You can create as many of these mapping pattern sets of properties as you like as long as each property name is unique in its last field...
etc.... IMPORTANT note: These "patterns" are evaluate against every authenticated string (this includes Mutual TLS authentication such as those between NIFi nodes using the NiFi keystore) in alpha-numeric order. The first java regular expression to match will have its value applied and transformed. So making sure you properties are build in order of most complex regex to most generic regex is very important. Hope this helps you, Matt
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04:04 PM
2 Kudos
@sambeth The hash (#) character is reserved as a delimiter to separate the URI of an object from a fragment identifier. Registry has a number of different fragment Identifiers. The fragment identifier represents a part of, fragment of, or a sub-function within, an object. The fragment identifier follows the "/#/" in the URL and can represent fragments in text documents by line and character range, or in graphics by coordinates, or in structured documents using ladders. For example the "grid-list" of flows displayed when you access the NiFi UI. No, you cannot remove the # from the URL. Are you encountering an issue? Hope this helps, Matt
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