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8661 | 03-16-2016 05:54 AM | |
3997 | 02-05-2016 04:49 AM | |
2847 | 01-08-2016 06:55 AM | |
16299 | 09-29-2015 01:31 AM | |
1728 | 05-06-2015 01:50 AM |
12:29 AM
Thank you david for this complete answer! However, I'm facing some problems... On my namenode, when I do sudo usermod -G developer Peter I get user 'Peter' does not exist. (Note, I created this user with the Hue interface) When I do hdfs groups Peter I get no group. To be precise I get Peter: I checked that the property is Note: I created the user, the group and associated the group to the user in Hue interface. And these users, and groups do not seem to be visible on the OS (CentOS).
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11:04 PM
I saw that wile importing a workflow we can share it, but can we share a workflow that was allready created? or while creating a new workflow?
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08:40 AM
Hello, I created a workflow with my user, how can I share it with the other users? Thank you!
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- Labels:
Apache Oozie
08:02 AM
Hello, I want to do a folder that can be accessed in r, w,x by all the users of the group 'developer' that I created. I also want that all the folders/files created by these users in this folder can be accessed in r,w,x by the users from this group. All the other users should access the folder in r and x. What should I do? I tried: - to create my folder with these rights: drwxrwxr-t+ - the folder that I created is owned by admin who is part of the developer group. All I think is missing is to add the default group of my users the developer group : do something like hadoop def -usermod -G developer Peter But this is not working! Thank you!
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop
12:08 AM
1 Kudo
Hello, I'm having a 7 instances cluster and I'm using CHD5. My problem is that I cannot manage to start the hive gateways. When I do start to hive, the gateways don't start. If I want to start them afterwards they are saying to stop hiveserver and hivemetastore. I'm in a no-ending loop. Hive Metastore Server 1 Good Health HiveServer2 2 Good Health Gateway 6 None What should I do in order to start the gateways? Thank you!
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
12:58 AM
I found my error: - I included the hdfs-site.xml file (and not hive-site.xml) - the name of the file has to be changed (if not I have permission denied) Thank you!
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07:09 AM
Hello, I did a simple script for creating a table, and it works fine in the Hue browser. CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test;
create table test.agh_test_table_creation(
id int,
dtDontQuery string,
name string
) When I schedule the script with oozie I get successful, but the table is not visible in the hue browser.However, the table is present in the folder: user/hive/warehouse Note: My oozie workflow contains the hdfs-site.xml location: <workflow-app name="AGH_TEST_default_workspace_create_table" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.4">
<start to="AGH_test_default_create_table_test"/>
<action name="AGH_test_default_create_table_test">
<hive xmlns="uri:oozie:hive-action:0.2">
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="kill"/>
<kill name="kill">
<message>Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
<end name="end"/>
</workflow-app> I got the hdfs-site.xml by downloading it from Cloudera Manager-> Clusters-> Hive-> Actions-> Download Client configuration Also, the source of the issue is not reling in the derby metastore since the metastore database is not the default one. I'm mentioning this, because of the stackoverflow post: What should I do in order to make the table visible in the hue interface? Thank you !
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01:27 AM
I'm implementing a small hadoop cluster for a POC in my company. I'm trying to import files into HDFS with Flume. Each files contains JSON objects like this (1 "long" line per file): { "objectType" : [ { JSON Object } , { JSON Object }, ... ] } "objectType" is the type the objects in the array (ex: events, users, ...). These files will be processed later by several tasks depending on the "objectType". I'm using the spoolDir source and the HDFS sink. My questions are: Is it possible to keep the source filename when flume write into HDFS (filenames are unique as they contains a timestamp and a UUID in their name) Is there a way to set "deserializer.maxLineLength" to an unlimited value (instead of setting a high value)? I really dn't want to loose data. Which channel is the best, JDBC or File? (I do not have a flow with high throughput) My constraint is that I have to use flume out-of-the-box (no custom elements) as much as possible. Thanks for your help!
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- Labels:
Apache Flume
Apache Hadoop
07:13 AM
Hello, We wanted to deploy a cluster with Cloudera Director with 2 master nodes and 4 slaves nodes. However, we are having some problems: - we cannot add more than 1 master in cloudera director - we cannot make the cluster without a gateway node - we cannot choose a custom service package (we wanted a package with Impala+HBase but without spark/solr) - we cannot change the admin password/make another user Please, can you indicate a documentation that can help us with this ? Is there any feature list documentation for cloudera director? What are the benefits of using Cloudera Director insteaed of Cloduera Manager for deployment? Thank you!
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01:55 PM
I tyed to change the user into spark but I don't know the password. I tried cloudera and spark but it didn't work. Then I changed into superuser and in superuser I have another error ./spark-submit --class com.seb.standard_self.App --master "spark://quickstart.cloudera:7077" /home/cloudera/workspace/standard-to-self-explicit/target/standard-self-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit not found in gnu.gcj.runtime.SystemClassLoader{urls=[file:./,file:/usr/lib/spark/conf/,file:/etc/hadoop/conf/,file:/etc/hadoop/conf/,file:/usr/lib/hadoop/../hadoop-hdfs/./], parent=gnu.gcj.runtime.ExtensionClassLoader{urls=[], parent=null}}
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at ... Thank you!
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