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4931 | 11-27-2014 08:37 PM |
08:37 PM
Hi, Thanks everyone for your valuable inputs. I finally was able to troubleshoot the problem with my cluster. As it turns out the remote machine needed to add the ip-address of the nodes in the cluster in their /etc/hosts/ file. After doing that I was able to get the desired results. Thanks everyone!!! Vaibhav
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01:32 AM
Dear all, I am still struggling with this error. It would be very helpful if someone could help me out. As said I have described my whole procedure on replicating this error and troubleshooting this on a standalone version without the cloudera manager. Now I just need help on doing the same using cloudera manager. Thanks Vaibhav
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08:23 AM
Hi, Thanks for replying. This is what I did to replicate the problem: 1. First I installed Accumulo 1.6 version in standalone mode using the instructions given at this link: In this manner I got my instance of Accumulo up and running. 2. Next I ran a java program to do a basic write operation using the Accumulo manual given here: I ran this java program from two machines firstly on the machine on which the standalone Accumulo was installed and secondly from a machine with no Accumulo. The second machine gave me the above mentioned error. To troubleshoot this error I changed the contents of the masters and slave file from "localhost" to their ip addresses. This solved that error. So I suspect that changing the contents of the masters and slaves file may solve the same problem with my main cluster. Is there a way I can do that..? I also referred to your Accumulo manual given at this link: At page 13 it says that: " On a multi-host cluster, replace localhost with the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the Accumulo Master in the masters, monitor, gc and tracers files in /etc/accumulo/conf, and add the FQDN or IP address of the TabletServers (one per line) to the /etc/accumulo/conf/slaves file." So I want to know us there a way I can achieve this in cloudera manager? Please help. Thanks Vaibhav
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03:43 AM
Hi, I made some advances towards solving the problem. What I did was create a standalone accumulo version which again showed the same error. Then I changed the content of the masters and slaves file in /acumulo/conf folder and the error dissappeared. Now I want to the same to my main cluster using the Cloudera Manager but I am having trouble figuring out how to change/view the contents of the master and slaves file manually that would have been created at the time of Accumulo installation using cloudera manager. Please help. Thanks Vaibhav
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08:49 PM
Hi, I tried the command you asked me to run from a machine outside the cluster. This is the response got : "Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. Connection closed by foreign host." I got the same response on all the nodes. Does this mean I am connected to the zookeeper server with the outside machine? Please help. Thanks Vaibhav
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08:39 PM
Hi, I am running 2.5.0-cdh5.2.0 and Accumulo version is Version: 1.6.0-cdh5.1.0 . Yes my host is able to communicate to the nodes inside the cluster(via ssh). Thanks for replying Vaibhav
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12:33 AM
Dear all, I am trying to run a basic write query on a multi-node(3 nodes) Accumulo cluster. When I run my code from a node inside the cluster it works fine, but when I use the same code on a machine which is not a node in the cluster the code fails to do anything and exits with this message in the console: "WARN: Failed to find an available server from a list of servers." The machine fails to connect to the zookeeper servers. Has anybody encountered this problem? Any help would be useful. Thanks and Regards, Vaibhav
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- Labels:
Apache Accumulo
Apache Zookeeper