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Kudos Received
02:03 AM
Thank you for the help. But why is it better to use APIs over CLI commands. Can you give some insight on that?
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11:25 PM
I have a NIFI workflow running, how do I start and stop the workflow from the CLI. Is it possible to only start/stop one workflow from multiple workflows?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
11:09 PM
1 Kudo
Yes, it works. Thank you so much!!
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09:36 PM
Yes. { "name": "PbsJobData", "type": "record", "namespace": "pbsjob", "fields": [ { "name": "comment", "type": "string", "doc": "comment associated with the pbs job" }, { "name": "timestamp", "type": "long", "logicalType": "timestamp-millis", "doc": "timestamp of scheduler metric" }, { "name": "job_state", "type": "string", "doc": "job status" }, { "name": "host", "type": "string", "doc": "Name of the PBS scheduler server" }, { "name": "job_id", "type": "string", "doc": "The job ID assigned by PBS" }, { "name": "job_user", "type": "string", "doc": "The job user" }, { "name": "job_group", "type": "string", "doc": "The job group" } ] }
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08:45 PM
Here is the output: 00000000: 0000 0000 2264 4a6f 6220 7275 6e20 6174 ...."dJob run at 00000010: 2054 6875 2041 7567 2031 3820 6174 2030 Thu Aug 18 at 0 00000020: 343a 3136 206f 6e20 286e 6f64 6530 313a 4:16 on (node01: 00000030: 6e63 7075 733d 3129 c4f0 c491 d760 1a4a ncpus=1).....`.J 00000040: 6f62 2043 6f6d 706c 6574 6564 0a61 646d ob Completed.adm 00000050: 696e 1036 342e 6164 6d69 6e08 726f 6f74 in.64.admin.root 00000060: 0872 6f6f 740a .root.
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10:03 AM
I tried sending it, but there seems to be no option to send a file. Can you please help me on that? There is no insert option. Only the insert link is there. Sorry new to this website.
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11:47 PM
Okay, this is the output. It is in this format "dJob run at Thu Aug 18 at 04:16 on (node01:ncpus=1)▒▒đ▒`Job Completed
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04:04 AM
Here is the output for "kafka-avro-console-consumer --from-beginning --bootstrap-server admin:9092 --topic pbs_jobs" {"comment":"Job run at Thu Aug 18 at 04:21 on (node01:ncpus=1)","timestamp":1660963434048,"job_state":"Job Completed","host":"admin","job_id":"65.admin","job_user":"root","job_group":"root"}
{"comment":"Job run at Thu Aug 18 at 04:22 on (node01:ncpus=1)","timestamp":1660963434048,"job_state":"Job Completed","host":"admin","job_id":"66.admin","job_user":"root","job_group":"root"}
{"comment":"Job run at Thu Aug 18 at 04:22 on (node01:ncpus=1)","timestamp":1660963434048,"job_state":"Job Completed","host":"admin","job_id":"67.admin","job_user":"root","job_group":"root"}
{"comment":"Job run at Thu Aug 18 at 04:23 on (node02:ncpus=10)","timestamp":1660963434048,"job_state":"Job Completed","host":"admin","job_id":"68.admin","job_user":"root","job_group":"root"}
{"comment":"Not Running: Insufficient amount of resource: ncpus (R: 10 A: 1 T: 16)","timestamp":1660963434048,"job_state":"Job Queued","host":"admin","job_id":"69.admin","job_user":"root","job_group":"root"}
{"comment":"Job run at Thu Aug 18 at 07:13 on (node02:ncpus=1)","timestamp":1660963494042,"job_state":"Job Completed","host":"admin","job_id":"70.admin","job_user":"root","job_group":"root"}
{"comment":"Job run at Thu Aug 18 at 04:16 on (node01:ncpus=1)","timestamp":1660963494042,"job_state":"Job Completed","host":"admin","job_id":"64.admin","job_user":"root","job_group":"root"}
{"comment":"Job run at Thu Aug 18 at 04:21 on (node01:ncpus=1)","timestamp":1660963494042,"job_state":"Job Completed","host":"admin","job_id":"65.admin","job_user":"root","job_group":"root"}
{"comment":"Job run at Thu Aug 18 at 04:22 on (node01:ncpus=1)","timestamp":1660963494042,"job_state":"Job Completed","host":"admin","job_id":"66.admin","job_user":"root","job_group":"root"}
{"comment":"Job run at Thu Aug 18 at 04:22 on (node01:ncpus=1)","timestamp":1660963494042,"job_state":"Job Completed","host":"admin","job_id":"67.admin","job_user":"root","job_group":"root"}
{"comment":"Job run at Thu Aug 18 at 04:23 on (node02:ncpus=10)","timestamp":1660963494042,"job_state":"Job Completed","host":"admin","job_id":"68.admin","job_user":"root","job_group":"root"} But when I send this data to nifi using ConsumeKafkaRecord: Getting this as output:
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03:16 AM
Yes sure, do you need the data that i am sending to Nifi or the data that has been processed by nifi.
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09:22 PM
I used the ConsumeKafkaRecord processor as well. I gave RecordReader as Avro reader. But when I run it, it gives an error saying "invalidMagicException: Not an Avro data file". Is there something I am missing here?
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