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10:14 AM
@Viki_Nodejs if you haven't resolved this issue could you try the below steps and revert. 1. Install the Required NPM Packages Use the hive-driver package for Node.js, which supports HiveServer2 over HTTP/HTTPS. npm install hive-driver 2. Prerequisites Ensure you have: HiveServer2 URL: Includes the hostname and port. SSL Configuration: Paths to your .jks trust store and its password. Hive httppath: Set to cliservice. Authentication details (if required): Username/password or Kerberos configuration. 3. Configure the Connection Here's an example of how to set up the connection using the hive-driver: const { HiveClient, TCLIServiceTypes } = require('hive-driver'); async function connectToHive() { const client = new HiveClient(TCLIServiceTypes); // Configure the Hive connection const connection = client.connect({ host: '<HIVE_SERVER_HOSTNAME>', // e.g., port: 10001, // HiveServer2 port, typically 10001 for HTTPS options: { path: '/cliservice', // HTTP path to HiveServer2 ssl: true, // Enable SSL sslOptions: { rejectUnauthorized: true, // Ensure certificates are verified ca: '<path/to/truststore.pem>' // Convert your JKS truststore to PEM format }, // Authentication username: '<YOUR_USERNAME>', password: '<YOUR_PASSWORD>', // You can add session configurations here } }); try { // Open the connection await connection.openSession(); console.log('Connected to Hive'); // Example query const result = await connection.executeStatement('SELECT * FROM your_table LIMIT 10'); console.log(result); // Close the session await connection.closeSession(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error connecting to Hive:', error); } finally { // Ensure the connection is closed await connection.close(); } } connectToHive(); 4. Key Point to Note !!!!!!!!! SSL Truststore [Very Important] Hive uses .jks files for its truststore, but hive-driver requires a .pem file for SSL. Convert your .jks file to .pem using the following commands: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore truststore.jks -destkeystore truststore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 openssl pkcs12 -in truststore.p12 -out truststore.pem -nokeys I also saw an EAI_FAIL error in the screenshot this is related to not being able to resolve the DNS. Hope this helps
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