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37712 | 05-25-2016 02:06 PM |
02:06 PM
Hi Communnity, Our Development VM CDH 5.9 is HDFS HA enabled. Since there are only five nodes so two JournalNodes are running same with NN but another one is on a DataNode. However, last night, we ran into this below issue and took down both NNs. FATAL org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSEditLog: Error: flush failed for required journal (JournalAndStream(mgr=QJM to [xxx.xx.xx.xx:8485, xxx.xx.xx.xx:8485, xxx.xx.xx.xx:8485], stream=QuorumOutputStream starting at txid 9861544)) Sine this is a Dev cluster so no one was using it runing weekend or nights. After extensive search, the potential issue could be NN Garbarge collection pause. Is there a good approach how to debug and tweak the heap setting? Currently, NN heap setting is 4GB on both. Default time out is 20 seconds ( Any help really appreciated that. Thanks, Silaphet
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02:40 PM
Hi, Quick update, it works with Firefox. However, with HDFS HA, it does not work well when we rollover active NN to another node. Is there away to configure this with HDFS HA enabled? Thanks, Silaphet
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08:31 AM
Hi, I have been looking to configure the "Google Chrome" on my Mac laptop by the command does not work. Could you please validate the command and I can give it another try? I don't want to turn off the HTTP web-consoles if possible. Thanks, SIlaphet
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09:04 AM
Hi Community, I have a few of CDH clusters with Kerberos enabled but I've been facing issue to not able to access the NN URL. Here is error message: ================= HTTP ERROR 401 Problem accessing /index.html. Reason: Authentication required Powered by Jetty:// ================= However, Yarn NM, Job history and Spark URLs are just working fine. I've checked with my team who are using both Windows and Mac laptops and they are facing same issue. THis issue still happens with latest CDH5.10 Is there a workaround to address this issue for Mac OS? Thanks, Silaphet
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02:06 PM
Hi Pd, Yes, extra space was the root cause. Thanks very much for great trick. Thanks, Silaphet
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10:52 AM
Hi, Sorry for the delay. The "Zookeeper Root" is /kafa. I ran below command still no luck. bin/kafka-console-consumer --zookeeper localhost:2181 /kafka --topic kafkatest --from-beginning I tried FQN instead of localhost still no luck. Tried different Zookeeper node still the same. The Kafka version is KAFKA-2.0.1- Please let me if there is another option to try. Thanks, Silaphet
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12:28 PM
Hi, I'm testing Kafka sending messages by running below commands from seperate terminals. bin/kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic kafkatest This is a message This is another message On another terminal: bin/kafka-console-consumer --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic kafkatest --from-beginning No brokers found in ZK. Why the above messages don't show up on consumer terminal? This is CDH5.5.2 with Parcel deployment. What am I missing on CDH/CM configurations? Thanks very much, Silaphet
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