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07:50 AM
Thanks for the reply. I did it in the same way you have mentioned (I am importing Selenium module and from this module, Service, WebDriverWait and EC components are imported) but late in the code execution, my scripts gives an error "global name Service is not defined". Any idea whats causing the issue?
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01:58 AM
This worked. Thanks.
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05:23 AM
2 Kudos
Hi @Luti yes sure you can use NiFi toolkit for this. nifi pg-set-var -pgid b1f05b41-017f-1000-0000-00005ac6776e --varValue "Test2" --varName "MyVar1" If the variable does not exist, it will create. If the variable exists, you will update the value. I hope this will help you.
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10:53 AM
1 Kudo
@midee @janis-ax is correct that this is not possible. "ONLY" sensitive attributes can be encrypted/masked. Only component properties coded to as a sensitive property field would be able to decrypt an encrypted/masked value. If setting policies to block specific users from being able to view the data on these components, you may want to look at other options for performing these endpoint authentication/authorization actions. For example, with the NiFi endpoints you could use mutual TLS via certificates instead of token based authentication for accessing the endpoints. This does not mean you need to stop using or un-configure the token based authentication methods for access to your secured NiFi. If the endpoint you are trying to reach is not NiFi, you may want to see what other options it may offer for authentication that are not token based. Hope this helped, Matt
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10:40 AM
@midee You are using an InvokeHTTP processor to hit the rest-api endpoint of some authentication service to obtain a JWT Token, correct? The invokeHTTP processor gives you only two options for handling the response from the endpoint. Placed it in the content of the FlowFile or in to an attribute of the FlowFile. This means that any user who has been granted authorization to view the data of any component that this FlowFile will traverse can see the attributes and content of this FlowFile. There is no capability for the invokeHTTP to encrypt/mask the endpoint response in either options. Even if there was, this now masked/encrypted data would no longer be usable by downstream components. I suspect your plan is to then use this token to make additional requests to other endpoints later in your flow? Also keep in mind that a token generally has a limited lifespan. You should also have the ability to invalidate the token via another endpoint when you are done with it. So your options here are: 1. Limit user's access so they can not view the data in the dataflows that utilize this token so that they can't see the token in the content or attributes. If you are building the flow, then you know how to get the token so does not matter that you can see the token via the attributes or content. 2. Invalidate the token once done with it. Token can't be used anymore even if a user gained access to it later via looking at the content or attributes of a FlowFile. So you may consider building yoru flow to get a token --> use that token for other actions --> invalidate token (Using NiFi login authentication as a JWT token example, you hit the logout endpoint to invalidate the token on the server side. This means the client token will no longer work even if you have it still). Of course this means you flow needs to obtain a new token every time it runs. Issue here is if your flow utilizes same token for multiple FlowFiles. First FlowFile that hist logout will invalidate token other FlowFiles may try to still use. Note that the default life of a token issued by NiFi is 12 hours. After that the client token can't be used anymore and a new token would need to be obtained anyway (of course this age can be adjusted via the NiFi login provider configuration) If you found this answered your query, please take a moment to login and click "Accept" on the solutions that assisted you. Thank you, Matt
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10:18 AM
1 Kudo
@pritster5 The screenshot shared does tell us some the following: We can see on the AzureBlobStorage "0(2)" displayed in the upper right corner. This tells us that this processor still has two active threads that have been "terminated" manually by a user (Meaning user tried to stop processor but it failed to stop so the user selected terminate). Terminating threads simply tells NiFi to release the FlowFile associated to that thread back to the inbound connection queue it belongs to and set processor to send anything returned by those still running threads that are marked as terminated to null. So since we can tell you still have running threads, the question becomes... "What are these threads doing?" "Are these thread hung?" "Are thee threads just very long running?" I would suggest using executing following several times (1 - 3 minutes apart) to get a series o thread dumps: ./ dump <filename fo dump> Then you should inspect those threads to see perhaps what they are waiting on or if they are making any progress (stack changes) between each thread dump. This will answer your questions above. Maybe connection to AzureBlob Storage is very slow? Maybe Host resources are high and your threads are waiting on CPU? etc... If you found this assisted with your query, please take a moment to login and click "Accept" on solutions that helped you. Thank you, Matt
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10:07 AM
2 Kudos
@robnew In addition to what @janis-ax suggested about setting bulletin level to none on the processor to stop WARN and ERROR level log output from that processor from being sent to the bulletin board, you could also suppress the logging of this processor class via the NiFi logback.xml file. Changing the bulletin level on a processor does not disable logging being produced by your processor code. That logging will still find it way in to the NiFi logs via the logback.xml even with bulletin level set to known. So though processor you can stop the bulletins and through NiFi's logback.xml you have additional options to send logging produced by your processor class to its own appender or one of the existing appenders already defined in that file. If you found the feedback provided to your query helped, please take a moment to login and click "Accept" on all solutions that helped. Thank you, Matt
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