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02:24 PM
@TimothySpann thank you for your prompt reply
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01:56 PM
hello @TimothySpann I am currently working on a flow of nifi version 1.11 in which I intend to apply quality rules on data that I am extracting from different sources of relational databases such as Oracle, once I ingest the information to the cloudera cluster I make a puthdfs and I save the extracted information in csv format, then I intend to take said file and apply quality rules to it, said logic is developed in python and spark code, so I want to use the ExecuteSparkInteractive processor to execute said logic, I already have the processor configured without errors both the livycontroller controller service and the drivers for kerberos and ssl. but I can't find a way to execute the python script through the executesparkinteractive processor, I tried to try putting python code in the processor, but it doesn't generate any flowfile, could you tell me what I'm doing wrong?
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