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20000 | 09-25-2013 11:15 AM |
11:27 AM
Hi @ooyama Looks like your "HBase Indexer configuration" is wrong. If you notice the XML comments in the morphline-hbase-mapper.xml, it has commented out all the text including the path to morphline file. Fix: <!-- Use relative path "morphlines.conf" for morphlines managed by Cloudera Manager <!-- Use relative path "morphlines.conf" for morphlines managed by Cloudera Manager -->
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07:04 PM
Hi @adams You mentioned that you deployed Solr using Cloudera Manager (CM) If this is the case, CM neither reads nor updates the values saved in "/etc/default/solr". It maintains its own own database of these values. You can view/edit the current properties of Solr if you click on "Configuration" in CM's SOLR-1 homepage And if you want to check out the configs being deployed to all the Solr processes, there is an option to download the client configs under "Actions" of SOLR-1 homepage -Vamsee
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11:15 AM
1 Kudo
Hi @shota We will help you figure out the problem! 🙂 FYI, if you are using CM; you needn't install any Solr packages manually. CM does the complete setup for you. From what i understand from your previous comment, you installed some solr packages manually and just to make sure we are on right setup, executing "$ ps -elf | grep solr" should result in listing only one solr process running in your system. Once you have confirmed this, you can try refreshing the entire service.. (Assuming you have no stored data in Solr) Stop the Solr service from CM Restart the ZooKeeper service from CM Issue this command "$ solrctl init --force" Start the Solr service back from CM Now you can try creating some collections.. -Vamsee
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01:45 PM
1 Kudo
Hi @shota This is more of a check rather than a solution... Are you using Cloudera Manager(CM) to manage the Solr service? If so, please make sure CM reports the Solr service as green and healthy. If you have installed Solr through packages(without CM), make sure there is only one Solr service running, by issuing the service "sudo ps -elf | grep solr"
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