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06:01 AM
Hi, We couldn't find out whether the Cloudera 5.5 supports Mysql 5.7 (latest). In one of the consolidated PCM they have claimed support for MySQL 5.7 whereas in cloudera 5.5/5.6 release notes they have upto Mysql 5.6 only. The two links are below. Please can you advise? Regards, Yogesh
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05:27 AM
Hi Darren, We had a similar problem while installing Cloudera Manager 5.5. The cloudera-scm-server process was failing after a few seconds. The scm-server.out file indicated that the log4j file was not available. We uninstalled CM and tried re-installing it again; however, the problem persisted. As per your suggestion, we manually created a file and added the contents. We then 1) Stopped cloudera-scm-server-db 2) restarted postgresql 3) started cloudera-scm-server-db 4) started cloudera-scm-server and it worked!! We were immediately able to access CM via the browser. Thanks a lot for your help. Regards, Yogesh
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11:43 PM
Not an issue Mshirley, many thanks for your comments. To be honest, I didn't check the cloudera-scm-agent logs after the restart so cannot say whether there were any errors reported. I'll keep that in mind next time onwards. Also, /opt/cloudera/parcels directory contained 2 files - one was named CDH (a link to the CDH5.3 directory, I suppose) and the actual CDH5.3xxxx directory (sorry, cannot recollect the exact name) which contained the /lib /bin and several other parcel directories . And yes, we did try deactivating the old parcel before downloading the new one. Unfortunately, nothing worked. Around the same time, we also did a reboot and noticed that one of the nodes did not come up. As a result, we were forced to do the re-installation again.
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07:44 AM
With nothing working and no help from anywhere, we finally formatted the Namenode and re-installed Cloudera Manager and CDH 5.3. The symlinks have been created and the command "hadoop fs -ls" seems to work from the command prompt from any folder now. I don't think this is the right way to address the problem so I'd still look for inputs from anyone. Regards, Yogesh
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12:21 AM
We are facing a similar problem of missing Symlinks. We have tried all the solutions mentioned in this thread but to no avail. We are on CDH5.3.1, Cloudera Manager 5.3.2 "ls -lsa /etc/alternatives | grep hadoop" shows a only single entry hadoop-conf and it points to /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.yarn There are no other entries for hive or hbase or sqoop or even hadoop! There are no entries in /var/lib/alternatives. As suggested, we stopped the cluster, did a "sudo service cloudera-scm-agent restart" but the symlinks have not been created. Any suggestions what is wrong and what needs to be done? Thanks in advance. Regards, Yogesh
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10:30 AM
Thank you CConner. The above solution works. I ensured again that the correct Hbase Thrift server was being used. I then went to the Hbase Thrift server Configuration, unchecked the "Enable Hbase Thrift Server Framed Transport" (hbase.regionserver.thrift.framed) and restarted the Thrift server. It was only after this that the "Api socket error" on Hue disappeared and I was able to view the Hbase tables on Hue. Appreciate all your help! Regards, Yogesh
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