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1965 | 08-26-2021 07:43 AM |
03:32 AM
@ask_bill_brooks Thanks for your reply Bill!! Though the threads are separate for DROP and ADD partition but I didn't find any race condition/issue in hive-server2 logs when this error occurred. DROP partition had completed executing before ADD partition command started processing. Also, DROP partition is just a precautionary step in our application (only helpful in case of reruns or duplicate processing) as daily we receive a new file once and respectively a NEW partition gets created for this new file. Hence, I am pretty sure this is not the actual reason. I assume that this has something to do with Hive retrying internally to execute the ADD partition causing it to fail in one of the retries but I don't have any proof to establish this theory (Nothing in hive-server2 logs as such to determine this could be the reason).
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08:39 AM
Hello all, I am getting the below error when our application (Java) tries to execute an 'ADD partition' after 'DROP partition IF EXISTS' command in Hive:- """ Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Error while processing statement: FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask. AlreadyExistsException(message:Partition already exists: Partition(values:[xxxx, yyyy, zzzz-zz-zz, tttttttt], dbName:<db_name>, tableName:<tbl_name> """ Sequence of commands executed:- Thread A: USE <db_name> Thread B: ALTER TABLE <tbl_name> DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION(`i_id` ='xxxx', `c_id` ='yyyy', `dt` ='zzzz-zz-zz', `time` ='tttttttt') PURGE Thread C: ALTER TABLE <tbl_name> ADD PARTITION(`i_id` ='xxxx', `c_id` ='yyyy', `dt` ='zzzz-zz-zz', `time` ='tttttttt') Note:- Cluster - 5 Mgr nodes (Hive deployed on 3 of them), 3 Utils and 30 DNs There are no signs of any latency issues in ambari-server alerts/logs during the timeframe (+- 30 mins) when the above error/exception occurs. It is an EXTERNAL hive table This is a random occurrence (twice a week), associated with separate tables (not the same table everytime). Would appreciate any Help to understand what might be causing this issue (Partition ALready Exists) and if I need to look into any other logs to find out the reason behind this.
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache YARN
07:43 AM
Seems the max. Python version supported is 2.7.5, Python Version 3.x is not supported as it will create conflict with the versions shipped (HDP3.1.5 + Ambari2.7.5). Python3 support is not on the road map of HDP 3x and even for Ambari. This is something which may be done in future to make Python3 as the default for the OS Cloudera supports.
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04:57 AM
Hi, We are currently using Python2.7 with HDP3.1.5 (PySpark) and RHEL 7.9. We are planning to upgrade to Python3.x as Python2.7 support has ended. If anyone could please help determining the latest stable Python3.x? version that will best suit or compatible with HDP3.1.5 (Spark2.3) and RHEL 7.9? OR Let me know steps I should follow to determine the best stable Python3.x? version for the HDP stack? Thanks, PB
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