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09:29 AM
Thank you very much for your reply! I followed your advice and managed to get the processor working! Thanks again!
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01:26 AM
Hello, everyone, I'm just starting to get to grips with NiFi and I'm developing a flow that involves taking csv files from an SFTP server and transferring them locally. The task itself seems very simple to me, I found that a viable solution would be to use ListSFTP and FetchSFTP for the purpose. My problem lies in the connection to the SFTP server and in particular in passing the 'Private Key Path' parameter. My private key is stored in a .ppk file on the virtual machine I am using, which uses UNC paths. The moment I pass the UNC path to the processor with the pointing to the .ppk file, the processor returns an alert, telling me that the file does not exist. I can't figure out if the problem is in the way I passed the path to the processor or if it's something else. The path I passed to the processor looks like this: \\computer_name\View_UserData$\user_name\Desktop\private_key.ppk In addition, I have set the Port parameter to 22, and the connection also requires a Password. Can anyone give me some tips on how to configure the processor correctly?
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Apache NiFi
NiFi Registry