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691 | 05-03-2022 01:54 PM |
06:30 AM
You are a SAVIOUR !! I made a script to assign all regions with ""not deployed on any region server"" and now it works fine!! Awesome thanks a lot mate!
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02:29 AM
Hi RKI, the command worked, that error now is gone... but doing "hbase hbck -details" i goit 560 inconsistencies all equals: ERROR: There is a hole in the region chain between and . You need to create a new .regioninfo and region dir in hdfs to plug the hole.
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01:03 AM
Hi @rki_and thanks for your answer, was exaclty was needed. But, if i may ask, after that i see all regions server online, 0 offline and all regions on 1 region server execept for meta that is on another one (in total i have 3). The problem is that i got this error in master: org.apache.hadoop.hbase.NotServingRegionException: hbase:quota,,1620896369946.28dd7c81713c9347e8dfe4e6993b1ec7. is not online on,16020,1658432084980 Do you have any idea on what could i do? Thanks
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05:14 AM
Hello everybody, basically there was an electric problem and the cluster was suddently shutdown. After restarting everything Hbase results to have all the Region Servers online (but with 0 regions each) and the Region Server with the same names are shown in Dead Region Servers. Everytime i restart hbase, new rows are add in the Dead Region Server . This already happened to me long time ago and the problem was related to zookeeper, but i can't find the old post. Do you know what i can do? Thanks P.S. my cluster is kerberized, hbase version 2.0
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07:24 AM
Hi, from one day to another the web ui of HDFS / YARN stop working saying : HTTP ERROR 401 Problem accessing /index.html. Reason: Authentication required Classic problem when you dont use kinit -kt xxx.keytab xxx@MY_REAL. Seems to me that is only a problem of Chrome (on Safari works fine, on Firefox i added the urls on some configurations props and works fine). I tried some guide online that say to start chrome with --auth-server-whitelist= or use the console to add " defaults write AuthServerWhitelist = "server.domain" but nothing of this works. Im using Chrome on OSX 10.14. Do you have any advice? Thanks!
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01:54 PM
As described in the link that i posted above, those steps works perfectly: P.S. i stopped ambari-server before doing those $ grep "password" /etc/ambari-server/conf/
$ echo "bigdata_custom" > /etc/ambari-server/conf/password.dat
$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# ALTER USER ambari WITH PASSWORD 'bigdata_custom';
postgres=# \q
$ ambari-server restart
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12:06 PM
Hi all, i saw this guide:
but it was for Ambari 2.2.0 and i was wondering if do you think is the same for Ambari 2.7.4. I have in - server.jdbc.user.passwd=/etc/ambari-server/conf/password.dat Doing "cat /etc/ambari-server/conf/password.dat " i see the default password (bigdata) in plain, so NO PASSWORD ENCRYPTION ENABLED. I'm using Postgres 9.3 Thanks!!
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05:17 AM
Someone know the solution?
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01:38 PM
Hello guys, i don't get YARN, i set all the required stuff like yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb, yarn.scheduler.resource... ecc. But i see that the Docker container created by YARN (for AM or Executor) is always the total size of the Server (in my case 23GB is the total memory size of my server). This of course leads to GREEDY application (like all applications, that if they can have more resources they will use it) and so i arrive to the point that the YARN limit that is passed and YARN kills my application saying "is running 112234496B beyond the 'PHYSICAL' memory limit. Current usage: 12.2 GB of 12.1 GB physical memory used; 35.0 GB of 25.5 GB virtual memory used. Killing container." (Where 12.1 is the limit set to the Queue where my app runs) How can i tell YARN "YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE PREVENTING THIS" ? Since i can't find parameters for Docker called by YARN (a simply --memory parameter during the run command would be enough). It's so annoying!!! I'm becoming mad. P.S. i use ResourceManager with DominantResourceCalculator and submit to yarn via spark-submit. Thanks!
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05:05 AM
I tried to set yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-am-resource-percent to 1 but doesnt changed a bit. I added from Ambari under custom yarn-site.
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