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Hello everyone. Hope you are doing well. I am trying to achieve to run simple query on hive, using nifi processors. I Have tested couple scenarios, with different versions (also tried apache kyuubi 1.8.0 with jdbc drivers). CDP private cloud 7.1.7 Environment Apache NiFi - Version 1.18.0 (java 11) Hive - Version 3.1.3 jdbc driver is downloaded from cloudera, version 2.6.25 and using HiveJDBC41.jar 1. scenario using Apache NiFi DBCPConnectionPool 1.24.0 URL : jdbc:hive2://;KrbRealm=EXAMPLE.COM;;KrbServiceName=hive;AuthMech=1;KrbHostFQDN=_HOST;principal=test@EXAMPLE.COM Driver Class : com.cloudera.hive.jdbc41.HS2Driver Driver Location : /opt/nifi/nifi-current/lib/DRIVER.jar and using kerberos credential service with principal/keytab Nifi error log same as on screenshot. 2. scenario using HiveConnectionPool 1.19.1 url : jdbc:hive2:// Hive Configuration Resources : /opt/nifi/nifi-current/conf/hive/hive-site.xml,/opt/nifi/nifi-current/conf/hadoop/core-site.xml and using kerberos credential service with principal/keytab I have also tested lower and latest version of Apache Nifi but same errors. Tried also Apache Kyuubi in middle and using its shaded bundle jar for jdbc but same errors. Mby someone has any experience with this. Regards
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