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02:46 AM
When using ExecuteSQL processor to do CRUD actions on database tables, we should prepare the SQL statement by ourselves. There could be plenties of ways to do such thing. One way as you mentioned is to use the raw json data to insert/update a DB table, you might try to use PutDatabaseRecord processor, in such way, the json's structure must be flat as the avro-schema you fetched from the corresponding DB table.
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02:31 AM
As per my experience, the issue you faced could be the content-type(multipart/form-data;boundary...) is not officially supported by content-viewer page's engine. It does support Content-Type (such as application/json, application/xml, text/plain etc.) in original/formatted mode. Other types can be viewed via hex mode. Directly supported Type under original mode: 1. application/json 2. application/xml 3. text/plain Note: you may also append the charset encoding to the specified content-type. e.g. application/json;charset=utf-8 WORKAROUND 1. You can try to put an UpdateAttribute Processor (Configure it with an attribute "mime.type" along with the supported Content-Type listed above, specifying this attribute would not change the actual content, it just tells the content-viewer to depend on such way to parse and display the flowfile's content. ) 2. View the flowfile's content via Hex mode. Hope this helps, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thanks
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