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796 | 09-22-2022 10:20 PM | |
973 | 03-16-2022 10:17 PM |
10:20 PM
I just realised that NiFi only supports "Group by" and doesn't support "HAVING" clause. I had to put the queries in a python script and call an execute stream command processor.
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10:54 PM
Hi All, I have been trying to using group by with having clause in the ExecuteSQL processor but it doesn't seem to be returning the count. The SQL query looks like : select id_num, count(*) from xyz where id_num<>0 group by id_num having count(*)>1 I put this in the SQL select query. I just get an empty array. How do I use group by and having in the select query in Nifi? A normal query without these clauses works perfectly but I need a count to check for duplicates in the database. Thank you in Advance
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
11:11 PM
@steven-matison - the driver that we're using is com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver I'm using the user option. We use kerberos so no password. I've been able to configure DBCP for Postgres and MongoDB but I'm unable to do the same for sybase. I'm unable to post a screenshot bcz it's on my company portal.
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10:01 PM
@steven-matison - thank you for your reply. I've tried the first link and it doesn't seem to work. we don't use the cdata jdbc driver. We use jdbc:sybase:Tds://host:port Not sure why it still says URL incorrect. If I just give the URL without the slashes it says login failed. something like - jdbc:sybase:Tds:host:port
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12:21 AM
Hi, Could you please help me with the correct URL format to connect to Sybase using the DBCP connection pool of NiFi? The URL format that I have tried is - jdbc:sybase:Tds://host:port I keep getting this error - failed to create Poolable Connection Factory. Incorrect URL format. Thank you in advance.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
10:16 PM
Could you probably give me an example of how to frame a Mongo query in NiFi ? My key to select the record is "my_id", which I get from an evaluate json path processor. The Columns that I want to update is a nested json key like so : ['a']['b']['exists_in_file']. The query that I now have in update Query Key is : {"$my_id":["a.b.exists_in_file":"True"]}. This errors our saying : BasicDBList cannot be cast to java.util.Map
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08:53 AM
How do you configure a PutMongo NiFi Processor with ID as the primary key used to select the document and updating 2-3 fields inside the document with user defined attributes? What I have so far and it errors out : Update Query--> {my_id:${my_id},$set:{['a']['b']['exists_in_file']:"True"}}
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
10:17 PM
Update : I solved this. I had to use a splitjson before the lookup record processor, then it worked all fine.
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12:18 PM
I have the following json file : “a”:{ “after”:{ “a123”:{ “ip”:””, “p_id”:”4500” } }, “before”:{ “a123”:{ “ip”:””, “p_id”:”4500 } } } I'm trying to create a lookuprecord Processor in NiFi to match with the p_id. If matched then route to something and if unmatched then route to something else. The lookuprecord processor I have is a MongoDBLookUpService. The user expression I've written for the lookuprecord processor is : key : /a/after/*['p_id'] Note: [*] because that bit in json keeps changing with every json file. I've even tried /a/after/*/p_id and nothing seems to work. They all seem to route to unmatched. Please help me figure out if I'm doing something wrong in the expression.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
01:26 AM
1 Kudo
@araujo - thank you so much. I referred to the same flow file you have attached. It works perfectly. The problem with mine was I was using two eval json processors and route on attributes wasn't able to compare from two different flowfiles.
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