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11:17 AM
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Hi @nivanecu
You didn't say what set of instructions you were following in order to do the installation, so this is going to be somewhat difficult to troubleshoot…but from what I've gathered from the output you've provided, you're attempting to install the HDP Sandbox. It seems like the problem here is not any issue with the HDP Sandbox, but with your use of Docker. Just picking up on the error message you've emphasized here:
docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/sandbox-hdp" is already in use by container "b1c48478c7d48e681a706f86de84fd23978be91001aef9efc6da18a24f99c21f".
It appears that you have a pre-existing container that is causing a conflict. As a first stab at a solution, you could try removing that other container.
First, you're going to want to get a listing of all the containers you have. Issue the command docker ps -a at the command line. The output will give you a list of all the containers you have in use and their status. Confirm for yourself that the container identified by the error message is not in the 'running' status.
Then you can remove the container by issuing a command something like:
MBP15:~ ask_bill_brooks $ docker container rm -v \ b1c48478c7d48e681a706f86de84fd23978be91001aef9efc6da18a24f99c21f
Which will allow you to reuse the name that is causing the conflict you're encountering.
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