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Title | Views | Posted |
931 | 06-14-2023 11:51 PM | |
1034 | 03-24-2022 05:57 AM |
06:09 AM
Hi, The path you specified seems to be correct according to the XML you provided. Since you did not provide the full XML I was only able to test it on the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Incoterms2>Ex Works</Incoterms2>
<CustomerPurchaseOrderNumber>990831 </CustomerPurchaseOrderNumber>
</SalesOrder> and I was able to get the ReferenceDocumentNumber using the Path: /SalesOrder/Header/ReferenceDocumentNumber Notice I had to remove the following line because I was getting Parsing Error: <ns1:SalesOrderMessages mlns:ns1="" xmlns:soapenv=""> What are you seeing exactly? Are you seeing an error or the value is not populated in the FileName attribute ? Can you please provide more info on that? Thanks
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11:51 PM
Hi, the issue is resolved. The flowfile got corrupted was the route cause
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06:07 AM
To be honest I do not really understand your question. If you split your original file into smaller chunks, you will have X flowfiles instead of a single flowfile. Those flowfiles will then go sequentially in your HTTP response Processor, based on your load balance strategy.
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10:16 AM
1 Kudo
I'm happy to see you resolved your issue. Please mark the appropriate reply as the solution, as it will make it easier for others to find the answer in the future.
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05:24 AM
1 Kudo
@kumsath Yes, when i saw your post I started digging around too. The issue here is number manipulation and type casting a "number" versus a "string". That easy gets complicated in attributes and with nifi expression language functions. The solution i referenced would take the "number" and make a number in which the visual representation should then be correct. Its worth a try since that execute script should be very easy to test. The alternative is to do your "math" upstream or in an execute script processor not in updateattribute.
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05:36 AM
For Site to Site , NiFi nodes to which data needs to be send or received should be part of polices , proxy and retrieve site-to-site details and send/receive data site-to-site.
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