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02:51 AM
Hi I am able to reslove some part of the error.I can execute all hadoop,hive,impala and hbase commands from /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.3.1-1.cdh5.3.1.p0.5/ am i suppose to link these directories in etc/alternatives to create symlinks?what is the use of these symlinks? how can i run the command directly from /home/cloudera? In the CM UI everything looks good but when is start flume i get and error "Failed to start agent because dependencies were not found in classpath".I think this error is related to classpath configurations.Are symlinks involved with classpath .?
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09:14 AM
Hi I have CDH 5.3.1 installed on my machine.I am facing the same issue.I have followed all the above steps for deleting empty link,setting up environment variables etc.I think the problem is with incorret path to environment variables. when i run /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.3.1-1.cdh5.3.1.p0.5/bin/hadoop status the o/p is /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.3.1-1.cdh5.3.1.p0.5/bin/....lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop:line 138:/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_40: Is a directory /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.3.1-1.cdh5.3.1.p0.5/bin/....lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop:line 138:exec: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_40:cannot execute:Is a directory It might be a silly mistake with paths setting.:(
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02:36 AM
Hi Romain I have a Cloudera manager 5.2 cluster with one namenode and three datanodes.I have encountered a similar issue (Api Error: TSocket read 0 bytes) while starting hbase in hue.I have followed your blog and have made required changes but still the issue is not resolved.I have deployed thrift instance and region server for datanode and namenode in hbase.I have tried reinstalling hue but failed. All service are working independently from command line Ex hbase shell,impala-shell etc. Could you please help me to resolve this issue.?
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