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08:04 AM
Hello Andre, Can you share the steps to upgrade the CDH / Hive to version 2 or 3 so at least the above commands can execute. Also advise if I can download CDH 7 or 6 VM from Cloudera website, I do not have an active subscription but need trial for few days. Thanks a lot for your help.
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10:38 PM
Im using a VM that is running this version. I'll try if I can update it. In case I can then I;ll try your queries again. Thanks a lot for trying to help.
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10:24 PM
I am running version Hive 1.1.0-cdh5.4.3 When I ran the most recent query, It's giving me the following error:
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10:44 AM
Im getting this error when executing the above query, I might be running an old version of hive FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10011]: Line 4:9 Invalid function 'trunc'
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05:05 PM
There is one row per date. to compare the difference over months, I was to sum the amount of each month, then find percentage change of the total price each month. I'm trying the date_trunc function, but it isnt working.
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06:28 AM
Sure, I want to compare pricing across months by viewing percentage change across months.
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10:30 PM
I'm a newbie, I want to calculate month on month percentage change in price change in my table. Im using hive and using query: select year(stock_date),month(stock_date),sum(stock_price) over (partition by year(stock_date),month(stock_date) ORDER BY month(stock_date)), PERCENT_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY month(stock_date) DESC) AS per from table4; it's generating, It's showing July 2019 at the top and goes descending thru the numbers. how do I get the months in correct order and the percentage change with it? can anyone help me understand what am I doing wrong?
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