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08:25 PM
I have literally used the VM out of the box. Trying to train on materials and can't get anything working. Been trying to resolve this issue for a week. Just finished a Codementor session and they couldn't get it either. if the password is not default (and I literally haven't touched anything) what is next? Hive access denied. Someone suggested changing something in ranger. I don't know if that's true or not. Asked a guy on Codementor. Just trying to get data into the table I created. Delete this VM and try again or? I have logged in and ran hive as root, maria_dev, hive and hdfs. (btw, don't know what I am doing, not being trained properly, have zero tech support and am expected to learn this for work clients and am not supposed to have any problems that need solving. (shrugs)
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
Apache Hive
Apache Ranger