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04:05 PM
Thank you, and that's great! And, yes, a link to the article would be great! Thank you, Susan
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02:27 PM
Thank you for clarifying, Gautam. Is RHEL 6.6 support currently planned for a future CDH release, and, if so, which one, if not CDH 5.4 in Q2 2015? Thank you, Susan Coombs
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09:10 AM
Thank you very much for letting me know about this specific issue with TLS encryption, with using RHEL 6.6 (which Cloudera does not plan to support until Q2 2015) with CDH.
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09:09 AM
Thank you for the information; it's helpful to know that RHEL 6.6 isn't supported yet. To avoid creating extra work for our operations people, I'll see if RHEL 6.6 will work, and will plan to report back on any issues encountered, to help others. Thank you, Susan
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07:38 AM
Hi Gautam, Thank you very much for your prompt and informative reply. The reason I'd prefer RHEL 6.6 is that's the default that our Operations people use for VMs, and I don't like to create extra work for them. Is there a way that I can build CDH on RHEL 6.6 that will work, and, if so, are instructions available? Thank you, Susan
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03:48 PM
Hi, Does Cloudera Express work with RHEL 6.6? On the Cloudera documentation site, it compatible RHEL releases include RHEL 6.5, but not RHEL 6.6. If Cloudera Express isn't yet available for RHEL 6.6, is an early access copy available, that's compatible with RHEL 6.6? Thank you, Susan
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