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06:20 AM
@Tryfan You mention this file comes in daily. You also mention that this file arrives through a load-balancer so you don't know which node will receive it. This means you can't configure your source processor for "primary node" only execution as you have done in your shared sample flow with the ListFile. As Primary Node only, the elected primary node will be the only node that executes that processor. So if the source file lands on any other node, it would not get listed. You could handle this flow in the following manor: GetFile ---> (7 success relationships) PostHTTP or InvokeHTTP (7 of these with one configured for each node in your cluster cluster) ListenHTTP --> UpdateAttribute --> PutFile So in this flow, no matter which node receives your source file, the GetFile will consume it. It will then get cloned 6 times (7 copies then exist) with one copy of the FlowFile getting routed to 7 unique PostHttp processors. Each of these targets the ListenHTTP processor listening on each node in your cluster. That ListenHTTP processor will receive all 7 copies (one copy per node) of the original source file. Then use the UpdateAttribute to set your username and location info before the putFile which place each copy in the desired location on the source node. If you add or remove nodes from your cluster, you would need to modify this flow accordingly which is a major downside to such a design. Thus the best solution is still one where the source file is placed somewhere all nodes can retrieve it from so it scales automatically. If you found this response assisted with your query, please take a moment to login and click on "Accept as Solution" below this post. Thank you, Matt
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