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03:49 AM
Hi @MattWho , i have build almost 20 Processor Groups, and i want to know which one has ERROR processor during running those. So i build a flow that call API */processor-group to get bulletin for each group, so that if some group has ERROR processor, they will PutEmail to me know which group failed. Detail of my flow is: Cluster 3 nodes (a, b, c) call API processor-group to Node a every 5 mins (i just update from 20 sec to 5 mins) to PutEmail where a processor ERROR. Is there anyother way to do that ? Thank you for your above solution!
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09:49 PM
Hi guys, I build a secured NiFi cluster authenticated by LDAP server. I am able to use NiFi Rest Api to access the secured cluster via Bearer Token. I have build a Nifi flow that need to call */nifi-api/* every 20 seconds and I have a problem is the Token is expire after 8 hours (based on my config) and i have to update Bearer Token manually after 8 hours :(( I was wondering whether some way that I can get a permanet Bearer Token to Call REST API to access a secured NiFi cluster? Thanks.
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Apache NiFi