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Title | Views | Posted |
7818 | 09-12-2018 10:09 PM | |
3073 | 09-10-2018 02:07 PM | |
10033 | 09-08-2018 05:47 AM | |
3413 | 09-08-2018 12:05 AM | |
4361 | 08-15-2018 10:44 PM |
01:41 PM
Hi @Abhinav Joshi! Sorry my late, so basically whenever you convert the template to YML it changes the UUID for the INPUT PORT? If so, that's kinda strange.. might be a bug. I'm not aware of this behaviour, unfortunately 😞 Did you try to use a major version of minifi? Hope this helps!
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01:30 PM
Glad to know that @Abhinav Joshi ! Regarding your question related to "why change manually the config.yml", I'd say it's because you had some kinda update in the flow (by dragging again the input port, or some other reason, hence the UUID for the specific input port changed). I'd kindly ask you, if you thought my answer helpful, please accept as an answer for your requirement. This will engage the other HCC users to keep doing a good job, hence the other HCC users will find the best answer quickly 🙂
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08:43 PM
Hi @Abhinav Joshi! Sorry, my late. Hm, that's strange, in this case, I'd try to enable the debug level for bootstrap in the logback.xml. Is it showing only this single message? Could you share the whole message, please? Thanks
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05:46 AM
@A C Just to understand, did you run the spark submit using yarn cluster as master/deploy mode? If so, let's try to check the job properties for the following parameter: ${resourceManager} Also, here it is another example regarding pyspark + oozie (using shell to submit spark). Hope this helps
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05:22 AM
Hi @Abhinav Joshi! Glad to know that I could be helpful. So regarding your issue, this is strange.. Well, does it happen the same if you change the ID for the input ports manually (by changing it directly the config.yml)? Hope this helps
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05:01 AM
1 Kudo
Quick question, does it work running outside of oozie? E.g. using directly the spark-submit.
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02:05 PM
Hello @Abhinav Joshi! Yes, change it in all references for this port. E.g. in my config.yml I've 3 ref's to InputPort id vmurakami$ cat config.yml | grep -i bcfad0b8-3cdb-15b8-0000-00004b94b9cf
name: FetchFile/success/bcfad0b8-3cdb-15b8-0000-00004b94b9cf
destination id: bcfad0b8-3cdb-15b8-0000-00004b94b9cf
- id: bcfad0b8-3cdb-15b8-0000-00004b94b9cf After that, restart minifi. Hope this helps
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10:16 PM
Hello @Teresa Tavernelli! Glad to know that you made it 🙂 So regarding the Mysql, you can give it a shot with the following parameters: hostname -> your-sandbox-hostname
port -> 3306
user -> root ps: I didn't test it myself Also if it doesn't work, try with the hive configs for mysql (instead of using username as root, change it to hive) Hope this helps!
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10:09 PM
Hello @Abhinav Joshi! Quick question, your INPUT PORT on the Nifi flow it's up? Btw, I saw once this error from MiNifi when I changed my Input port in the Nifi flow and forgot to update the config.yml with the new ID from the Input Port. Hope this helps
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05:24 PM
Excellent explanation Matt!
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