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How can I connect Spoon (Pentaho Data Integration) with Hive using the Sandbox ?


Hi Everyone!

I'm trying to connect Spoon (Tool from Pentaho Data integration) with Hive or just with The sandbox MySQL. I already installed the ODBC driver, but doesn´t connect, Always says: Connection Failed.




Hello @Teresa Tavernelli!
Could you share with us the parameter that you're passing to the ODBC?
Btw, just asking but, are you using Linux/Windows? (at the client host).
One thing to check as well is if you're able to telnet/netcat the port 10000 (default of Hive server2) from the host machine.
One last thing, are you able to connect to the Hive using beeline inside the sandbox?

beeline -u 'jdbc:hive2://<your-sandbox>:10000/default;' -n hive

Hope this helps!


Hello @Vinicius Higa Murakami

I am using windows. The sandbox version is 2.6.5.

I connected hive with Tableau using de ODBC driver and all fine. But with Pentaho I don´t know what is happening. This is the error in Pentaho, I think that miss a library or another driver.

Thanks in advance.



Hi @Teresa Tavernelli!
Could you try one thing?
Test to change the localhost for the name of the sandbox machine (should be something like this:
Since I'm not aware of Pentaho tools, do you've any config from Kettle where you can put the hive-site.xml (configs for Hive).
Hope this helps!


Also, found this link:
Not sure if it's gonna help you 🙂


Hello again, @Vinicius Higa Murakami

I connected Pentaho with Hive satisfactorily. I just update Pentaho to the current version and works perfectly. But now I want to connect Pentaho to the MySQL inside the sandbox. Do you know how can I do that?


Hello @Teresa Tavernelli!
Glad to know that you made it 🙂
So regarding the Mysql, you can give it a shot with the following parameters:

hostname -> your-sandbox-hostname
port -> 3306
user -> root

ps: I didn't test it myself
Also if it doesn't work, try with the hive configs for mysql (instead of using username as root, change it to hive)

Hope this helps!