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There are three main installation paths for creating a new Cloudera Manager deployment:


Installation Path A - Automated Installation by Cloudera Manager (Non-Production Mode).

"This path is recommended for demonstration and proof-of-concept deployments, but is not recommended for production deployments because it's not intended to scale and may require database migration as your cluster grows"[1].


Installation Path B - Installation Using Cloudera Manager Parcels or Packages.

This path requires you to first manually install and configure an external database for the Cloudera Manager Server, Cloudera Management services and any other CDH services that may reside on this database instance (such as Hue, Hive, Oozie etc.).


Installation Path C - Manual Installation Using Cloudera Manager Tarballs.

In this path, you install the the Oracle JDK, Cloudera Manager server and Agent software using tarballs.


This tutorial covers the Path B installation of Cloudera Manager and the configuration of a cluster.

It is intended to be a quick start guide and it is recommended that it be used in conjunction with the Installation documentation[2].


The installation consists of three high level steps:

  1. RPM installation.
  2. Cloudera Manager database creation.
  3. Installation wizard


The tutorial is broken out in 5 sequential recordings/modules. There is an introduction section and the Installation Wizard portion is makes up the final two videos.


1 – Introduction: System requirements, assumptions and install High level steps.



2 – RPM Installation: Establish the Cloudera Manager Repository Strategy. Use the cloudera-manager.repo file’s baseurl to set the installed Cloudera Manager version. Run the yum installation commands.



3 – Database creation: Use of the script to create the Cloudera manager database.



4 – Installation wizard part 1: In this first half of the installation wizard, we run through installation of the Cloudera Manager Agents and CDH Parcels for all the nodes.



5 – Installation wizard part 2: In the second half of the wizard, we run through the configuration of the Cluster.





