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March 2023 Community Highlights

Community Manager




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  • 178 new support questions
  • 7 new community articles
  • 517 new members





Community Article


Components/ Labels

Open Data Lakehouse powered by Apache Iceberg on Apache Ozone

Saketa Chalamchala

Apache Hive

Apache Impala

Apache Spark

Cloudera Data Platform (CDP)

Cloudera Data Platform Private Cloud (CDP-Private)

Installing Django in Cloudera Machine Learning (CML)

Ryan Cicak

Cloudera Machine Learning (CML)

How to Spark Roll Event Log Files in CDP

Ranga Reddy

Apache Spark

Cloudera Data Platform (CDP)

CDSW - CML || How to import a private repository from Github, gitlab

Girish Vaggar 

Cloudera Data Science Workbench (CDSW) 

Cloudera Machine Learning (CML)

Navigator Metadata Service is not starting in CDH6.3.4

Amararam Gehlot 

Cloudera Manager

Cloudera Navigator



We would like to recognize the below community members and employees for their efforts over the last month to provide community solutions. 


See all our top participants at Top Solution Authors leaderboard and all the other leaderboards on our Leaderboards and Badges page.  



@MattWho @steven-matison @Mike @rki_ @paras 
@SAMSAL @CRISSAEGRIM @ChuckE @iamfromsky @mbigelow 




Share your expertise and answer some of the below open questions. Also, be sure to bookmark the unanswered question page to find additional open questions. 


Unanswered Community Post 

Components/ Labels

Nifi: Kafka Producer with Avro format in both key and value

Apache Kafka

Apache NiFi

Schema Registry

How to include wait time between spark streaming application retry attempts in event of job failure?

Apache Spark

Python updates

Cloudera Data Platform (CDP)

Impala Metadata Sync Issue Disk I/O error datanode.fqdn:22000: Failed to open HDFS file

Apache Impala

HDP3.1.4 Inconsistent HBase region status results in the region server service downtime

Apache HBase