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Thanks to deep collaboration between Hortonworks and Isilon engineering teams, we have come up with the below table that shows the status of Ambari Views

Through Ambari 2.2.2

Ambari Version Kerberos Enabled WebHDFS* Enabled Ambari View Works? Remarks
Through Ambari 2.2.2 Y Y No Does not work with Kerberos enabled because OneFS implementation of WebHDFS does not support chunked encoding. However we believe that if we use HTTPFS in front , it should work. This has not been officially tested though.
Through Ambari 2.2.2 Y N No Does not work in this combination . This is default behavior of Ambari views which does not support Kerberos without WebHDFS.
Through Ambari 2.2.2 N Y Yes If the default fs.defaultfs is set to "hdfs" in core-site.xml, then it works. The default value in Ambari is: hdfs:// <rpc address, so it works by default. if you need to use custom Hive View Cluster Configuration, be sure to use hdfs:// protocol and port 8020 for the WebHDFS FileSystem URI.
Through Ambari 2.2.2 N N Yes This should work without any change if you need to use custom Hive View Cluster Configuration, be sure to use hdfs:// protocol and port 8020 for the WebHDFS FileSystem URI.

* - OneFS implementation of WebHDFS.

With Ambari 2.4

Ambari Version Kerberos Enabled WebHDFS* Enabled Ambari View Works? Remarks
Ambari 2.4 Y Y No

Does not work with Kerberos enabled because OneFS implementation of WebHDFS does not support chunked encoding.

However we believe that if we use HTTPFS in front, it should work. This has not been officially tested though
Ambari 2.4 Y N No

Does not work in this combination . This is default behavior of Ambari views which does not support Kerberos without WebHDFS.

Ambari 2.4 N Y Default Hive does not work (use a workaround) Hive Views do not work with default settings. File View, Tez View, Zeppelin works Workaround : Only way to use Hive View is to use custom Hive View Cluster Configuration, be sure to use hdfs:// protocol and port 8020 for the WebHDFS FileSystem URI.
Ambari 2.4 N N Yes We believe this should work without any change if you need to use custom Hive View Cluster Configuration, be sure to use hdfs:// protocol and port 8020 for the WebHDFS FileSystem URI.

* - OneFS implementation of WebHDFS.