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One of the really cool features of the new Apache NiFi Registry UI are the deep links. This capability enhances collaboration by providing shareable URL’s to various perspectives within the NiFi Registry web application. The following deep links are available within the ‘administration’ perspective:

/nifi-registry/administration/workflow – This ‘administration’ perspective displays a sortable table of all buckets the current user is authorized to view.


/nifi-registry/administration/workflow(sidenav:manage/bucket/:bucketId) – This administration’ perspective side panel displays the requested bucket’s details and a sortable table of all of the policies created for this :bucketId.


/nifi-registry/administration/users ** – This ‘administration’ perspective displays a sortable table of all users and groups the current user is authorized to view.


/nifi-registry/administration/users(sidenav:manage/user/:userId) ** – This administration’ perspective side panel displays the requested user’s details and a sortable table of all of the groups to which this :usertId belongs.


/nifi-registry/administration/users(sidenav:manage/group/:groupId) ** – This administration’ perspective side panel displays the requested group’s details and a sortable table of all of the users in the :groupId.


In the ‘explorer’ perspective deep linking provides the user with the ability to query for items (flows) for which they are authorized to view. The following deep links are available within the ‘explorer’ perspective:

/nifi-registry/explorer/grid-list – This ‘explorer’ perspective displays all items (flows) across all buckets that the current user is authorized to view.


/nifi-registry/explorer/grid-list/buckets/:bucketId – This ‘explorer’ perspective displays ALL of the items in a specified bucket that the current user is authorized to view.


/nifi-registry/explorer/grid-list/buckets/:bucketId/flows/:flowId – This ‘explorer’ perspective displays a single item (flow).


** - This deep link is unavailable when the NiFi registry is unsecured.