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Affected versions:

1.2.0, 1.2.1


Bundle upload fails with following error in hst-server.log:

10 Aug 2016 16:56:17,131  INFO [pool-1-thread-1] GatewayHttpsClient:219
- Executing Request:POST
HTTP/1.110 Aug 2016 16:56:17,142 ERROR
[pool-1-thread-1] GatewayHttpsClient:241 - SSL error occurred. Cleaning up
certificates/keys at client side is required.10 Aug 2016 16:56:17,142  WARN [pool-1-thread-1] UploadRunnable:106 -
SSL error occurred while connecting to gateway. Reseting local keys and


Support for using md5 algorithm to setup 2-way SSL was stopped in JDK 8. We had md5 as our default algorithm in SmartSense 1.2.1 and lower. This causes conflict in SSL setup hst-server jdk version is lower than JDK 8.


This happens when HST is java version 1.6 and Gateway is on version 1.8. This is fixed in 1.2.2. Upgrade HST to version higher than 1.2.1. Upgrading Gateway mostly will not cause any impact because it provides backward compatibility with respoect to HST Server. If, SmartSense upgrade is not possible then try to sync up the JDK versions between Gateway host and HST Server host. Similar issue can occur in 1.2.1 if the hst-agents and hst-server have similar mismatch in installed JDK versions.

More details and steps to fix this manually are provided here :

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