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H100 Unable to submit statement show databases like '*': org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException: Broken pipe"

The Ambari view throws the following error: H100 Unable to submit statement show databases like '*': Read timed out And I can no longer view database or run queries in the Ambari view. The problem appears to resolve itself after some time, but then will reappear after running a sequence of queries in the Hive view.

1) This should be fixed in Ambari 2.2

2) Browser Refresh fixed it: When connection was open for too long then there was a broken pipe when you tried to access the hive view. When you did a restart to opened a fresh connection and was able to connect.

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I tried many things, the only thing fixed the issue is rebooting the sandbox VM.

Hi - I am having the same problem and have restarted my VM to no success. My tables have still not reappeared even though it has been some time. Can anyone help?


Any fix for the issue yet ? I still have this issue . Is restarting ambari the only option ?

Please restart the Ambari and it will solve your issue. It worked for me.



I also had the same issue, ambari-server restart could resolve my issue.


Harshit Shah