Created on 01-24-2018 05:23 AM
1) Enable MQTT extension
Please reference
2) Common Processor Properties
Broker URI: The URI to use to connect to the MQTT broker
Session state: Whether to start afresh or resume previous flows, default to true
Client ID: MQTT client ID to use
Username: Username to use when connecting to the broker
Password: Password to use when connecting to the broker
Keep Alive Interval: Defines the maximum time interval between messages sent or receive, default to 60 sec
Connection Timeout: Maximum time interval the client will wait for the network connection to the MQTT server, default to 30 sec
Quality of Service: The Quality of Service(QoS) to send the message with. Accepts three values 0, 1, 2
Topic: The topic to publish or subscribe the message
3) PublishMQTT Processor Properties
Retain: Retain MQTT published record in broker, default to false
Max Flow Segment Size: Maximum flow content payload segment size for the MQTT record
4) Relationships
success: Any FlowFile that is successfully sent to/received from MQTT will be routed to this Relationship
failure: Any FlowFile that cannot be sent to MQTT will be routed to this Relationship
5) Please refer to for MQTT broker
6) Please refer to for libmqtt extension
7) Please refer to for latest MQTT spec