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12:01 PM
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01:50 AM
This is a step by step guide to test Kafka clients from a Windows machine that connects to an HDF/HDP environment.
We start with the review of the current Kafka broker listeners. In this case, we will cover the following:
- SASL_PLAINTEXT > Kerberized environments
- PLAINTEXT > Plain connections
This can be done by using the Ambari console > Kafka > configs > Kafka Broker. After that, search for listeners and make sure either one or both protocols are enabled.
PLAINTEXT security protocol
- Go to your Windows machine and download the apache Kafka software.
- It is recommended to download the same version that it's running in your HDP/HDF cluster. Select the "Scala 2.12" link to avoid exceptions while running the Kafka clients.
- Extract the content of this folder in a preferred location in the Windows host.
- While connecting to Kafka through PLAINTEXT listener, Kafka does not have a way to identify you as a user. Hence, add Kafka ACLs and give permissions to ANONYMOUS users. To achieve this run the following command as a Kafka user in one of the Kafka brokers:
The above command will give all permissions to the anonymous user in Kafka, change the topic and group to specific ones if required./usr/hd<p/f>/current/kafka-broker/bin/kafka-acls.sh --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=<zkHost>:<zkPort> --add --allow-principal User:ANONYMOUS --operation All --topic=* --group=* --cluster
- In a Kafka host, create a new test topic or use an existing one. To create a new topic, run the following command with the Kafka user:
kafka-topics --create --topic <topicName> --partitions <N of partitions> --replication-factor <N of replicas> --zookeeper <zkHost>:<zkPort>
- When adding anonymous user permissions, go to our Windows Machine and navigate to the following Kafka folder:
Note: This step assumes that we already have connectivity to the brokers and the firewall and DNS (if any) are configured properly.C:\<preferred location>\kafka_<version>\bin\windows
- In this folder, there is a list of .bat files, similar to the ones in Linux hosts with .sh extension. In order to run .bat producer, use the following command:
C:\<preferred location>\kafka_<version>\bin\windows\bin\kafka-console-producer.bat --broker-list <brokerHost>:<brokerPort> --topic <topicName>
- To run a consumer, please run the following command:
C:\<preferred location>\kafka_<version>\bin\windows\bin\kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server <brokerHost>:<brokerPort> --topic <topicName> --from-beginning
- In this folder, there is a list of .bat files, similar to the ones in Linux hosts with .sh extension. In order to run .bat producer, use the following command:
Run the clients using Kerberos (SASL_PLAINTEXT)
To run the clients using Kerberos (SASL_PLAINTEXT), first ensure that Kerberos is configured properly in the environment. Once you get valid tickets, do the following to connect with the Kafka clients:
- If using Kafka Ranger plugin, go to Ranger Admin UI -> Kafka and add a new policy for the user that is used to connect from Windows host pointing to the topic/s that needs access.
- After the Ranger policies are configured, then go to the Windows Host and configure the Kerberos details for the Kafka client connection. To achieve this, do the following:
- Create a file with extension .conf and add the following content:
KafkaClient { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required useKeyTab=true useTicketCache=false serviceName="kafka"; keyTab="/path_to_file/file.keytab" principal="principal_name@REALM.COM"; }; Client { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required useKeyTab=true keyTab="/path_to_file/file.keytab" storeKey=true useTicketCache=false serviceName="zookeeper" principal="principal_name@REALM.COM"; };
- client: is used to connecting to the Zookeeper and KafkaClient is to connect to the Kafka Brokers.
- principal: is the user that will be used to connect from Windows to the Kafka Brokers (the same user that we add grants in Ranger UI)
- keyTab: is the keytab file that contains the principal specified in "principal".
- With that file created, open a Windows Command Prompt and execute the following command before running any command line:
set KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/path_to_conf_file/file.conf"
That command will pass the keytab/principal to the Kafka client. - In the same command prompt, run a Kafka Producer/Consumer using the following commands for Kafka versions <= 1.0:
C:\<preferred location>\kafka_<version>\bin\windows\bin\kafka-console-producer.bat --broker-list <brokerHost>:<brokerPort> --topic <topicName> --security-protocol SASL_PLAINTEXT
For the consumer, use the following command line:C:\<preferred location>\kafka_<version>\bin\windows\bin\kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server <brokerHost>:<brokerPort> --topic <topicName> --from-beginning --security-protocol SASL_PLAINTEXT
For Kafka versions > 1.0, use the following producer/consumer command line:C:\<preferred location>\kafka_<version>\bin\windows\bin\kafka-console-producer.bat --broker-list <brokerHost>:<brokerPort> --topic <topicName> --producer-property security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT
For Kafka consumer > 1.0, use the following command lineC:\<preferred location>\kafka_<version>\bin\windows\bin\kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server <brokerHost>:<brokerPort> --topic <topicName> --from-beginning --consumer-property security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT
- Create a file with extension .conf and add the following content: