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Due to AMBARI-24283 BUG some times there would be warnings like below,

2018-08-09 09:38:27,666 WARN - You have config groups present in the database with no corresponding service found, [(ConfigGroup, Service) => ( HDFS_DL111, null ), ( YARN_2222, null )]. Run --auto-fix-database to fix this automatically. 

Possible root cause: In some of the Ambari 2.5.x/2.6.x versions, service DELETE does not delete config groups cleanly and it shows the WARNING while starting ambari-server.

To fix above WARNINGS below steps can be followed.

1. Take Ambari database backup.

2. Run below queries

delete from confgroupclusterconfigmapping where config_group_id in (select group_id from configgroup where group_name in ( 'HDFS_DL111', 'YARN_2222'));
delete from configgrouphostmapping  where config_group_id in (select group_id from configgroup where group_name in ( 'HDFS_DL111', 'YARN_2222'));
delete from configgroup where group_name in ( 'HDFS_DL111', 'YARN_2222');
0 Kudos

Best solution for the issue. thanks for sharing.