Created on 04-27-201711:50 PM - edited on 02-19-202007:53 AM by VidyaSargur
Affected versions:
SmartSense 1.2.x, 1.3.x with Ambari lower than 2.4.1
Users / Groups are pre-created before setting up the cluster.
As such, ignore_groupsusers_create needs to be set to true so groups are not modified when services are added.
This works fine for all components except smartsense which fails with error performing usermod :
Execution of 'usermod -G -adp-hdfs -g adp-hadoop adp-xxxx' returned 6. usermod: group 'adp-hdfs' does not exist
This group does NOT exist.
Note, within the stdout you do actually see the following message:
Skipping creation of User and
Group as host is sys prepped or ignore_groupusers_create flag is on
The “ignore_groupsusers_create” configurations was not considered while adding / installing SmartSense service.
New fix is available in Ambari or higher. Upgrade is the cleanest solution in this case.