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Master Guru

Below are the steps to move Namenode from one machine to another via Ambari


These steps have been successfully tested for below version of Ambari and HDP

Ambari - 2.2.2.X

HDP - 2.2.X/2.3.X/2.4.X


Step 1: Ensure that all the HDFS Components are up and running


Step 2: Select HDFS Services à Click on Service Actions on the top right à Click on Move Namenode




Step 3: Read the instructions carefully and click on Next


Step 4: Select new target for your Standby NN à Click Next




Step 5: Review the changes and click on Deploy


Step 6: This wizard will stop required services, setup new NN + ZFKC, Disable HDFS on earlier Namenode and Start services on New Namenode. Once this step is done à Click Next




Step 7: Follow the Manual steps given in ‘Manual Commands’ section




Step 8 – Confirm that you have performed all the manual steps and click on OK


Step 9 – Once confirmed, Ambari will delete earlier Standby NN and Start all the Services






Please comment if you have any feedback/questions/suggestions. Happy Hadooping!! :)


Hi @Kuldeep Kulkarni

Thanks for this article.

I had customer which had issue because if Maintenance mode is ON, Ambari *silently* fails to change the config.

So could you update this article to make sure the Maintenance Mode is OFF, please?