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Created on 04-05-2018 12:10 AM - edited 09-16-2022 01:42 AM
The script provided here can be used to perform health check of a node before installing DSX. There are certain pre-requisites when installing IBM DSX, without which installation cannot go through. This script helps to validate health of a node and check if it is fit to install DSX.
Note: Make changes to line 166 and 182 as per your installation. The drives may vary based on where you are doing the installation.
# /bin/bash function checkRAM(){ local size="$1" local limit="$2" if [[ ${size} -lt ${limit} ]]; then echo "WARNING: RAM size is ${size}GB, while requirement is ${limit}GB" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} return 1 fi } function checkCPU(){ local size="$1" local limit="$2" if [[ ${size} -lt ${limit} ]]; then echo "WARNING: CPU cores are ${size}, while requirement are ${limit}" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} return 1 fi } function usage(){ echo "This script checks if this node meets requirements to install DSX-Local. " echo "Arguments: " echo "--type=[9nodes_master|9nodes_storage|9nodes_compute|3nodes] To specify a node type" echo "--help To see help " } function helper(){ echo "########################################################################################## Help: ./$(basename $0) --type=[9nodes_master|9nodes_storage|9nodes_compute|3nodes] Specify a node type and start the validation Checking preReq before DSX-local installation Please run this script in all the nodes of your cluster Differnt node types have different RAM/CPU requirement List of validation: CPU WARNING for 9node master cpu core < 8, 9node storage cpu core < 16, 9node compute cpu core < 32; for 3node cpu core < 8 WARNING for 3node cpu core < 8 RAM WARNING for 9node master RAM < 16GB, 9node storage RAM < 32GB, 9node compute RAM size < 64GB; for 3node RAM size < 16GB WARNING for 3node RAM < 16GB Disk latency test: WARNING dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/testfile bs=512 count=1000 oflag=dsync The value should be less than 10s for copying 512 kB ERROR: must be less than 60s for copying 512 kB, Disk throughput test: WARNING dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/testfile bs=1G count=1 oflag=dsync The value should be less than 5s for copying 1.1 GB ERROR: must be less than 35s for copying 1.1 GB Chrony/NTP WARNING check is ntp/chrony is setup Firewall disabled ERROR firewalled and iptable is disabled Disk ERROR root directory should have at least 10 GB WARNING partition for installer files should have one xfs disk formartted and mounted > ${INSTALLPATH_SIZE}GB WARNING partition for data storage should have one xfs disk formartted and mounted > ${DATAPATH_SIZE}GB Cron job check ERROR check whether this node has a cronjob changes ip route, hosts file or firewall setting during installation DSX Local 443 port check ERROR check port 443 is open SELinux check ERROR check SElinux is either in enforcing or permissive mode Gateway check ERROR check is gateway is setup DNS check ERROR check is DNS service is setup which allow hostname map to ip Docker check ERROR Check to confirm Docker is not installed Kubernetes check ERROR Check to confirm Kubernetes is not installed ##########################################################################################" } function checkpath(){ local mypath="$1" if [[ "$mypath" = "/" ]]; then echo "ERROR: Can not use root path / as path" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} usage exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "$mypath" ]; then echo "ERROR: $mypath not found in node." | tee -a ${OUTPUT} usage exit 1 fi } #for internal usage MASTERONE="MASTERONE_PLACEHOLDER" #if master one internal run will not check docker since we already install it INSTALLPATH="INSTALLPATH_PLACEHOLDER" DATAPATH="DATAPATH_PLACEHOLDER" CPU=0 RAM=0 #Global parameter INSTALLPATH_SIZE=150 DATAPATH_SIZE=350 #setup output file OUTPUT="/tmp/preInstallCheckResult" rm -f ${OUTPUT} WARNING=0 ERROR=0 LOCALTEST=0 USE_SUDO="" [[ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]] && USE_SUDO="sudo" #input check if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then if [[ "$INSTALLPATH" != "" ]]; then # This mean internal call the script, the script has already edited the INSTALLPATH DATAPATH CPU RAM by sed cmd checkpath $INSTALLPATH if [[ "$DATAPATH" != "" ]]; then checkpath "$DATAPATH" fi else usage exit 1 fi else # This mean the user runs script, will prompt user to input the INSTALLPATH DATAPATH if [[ "$1" = "--help" ]]; then helper exit 1 elif [ "$1" == "--type=9nodes_master" ] || [ "$1" == "--type=9nodes_storage" ] || [ "$1" == "--type=9nodes_compute" ] || [ "$1" == "--type=3nodes" ]; then echo "Please enter the path of partition for installer files" read INSTALLPATH checkpath "$INSTALLPATH" if [[ "$1" = "--type=9nodes_storage" ]]; then echo "Please enter the path of partition for data storage" read DATAPATH checkpath "$DATAPATH" CPU=16 RAM=32 elif [[ "$1" = "--type=9nodes_master" ]]; then CPU=8 RAM=16 elif [[ "$1" = "--type=9nodes_compute" ]]; then CPU=32 RAM=64 elif [[ "$1" = "--type=3nodes" ]]; then echo "Please enter the path of partition for data storage" read DATAPATH checkpath "$DATAPATH" CPU=32 RAM=64 else echo "please only specify type among 9nodes_master/9nodes_storage/9nodes_compute/3nodes" exit 1 fi else echo "Sorry the argument is invalid" usage exit 1 fi fi echo "##########################################################################################" > ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 echo "Checking Disk latency and Disk throughput" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} # Note: Here location has been chose as /dev/xvdb as this is the storage space where I mounted /install. # Check your storage before running the test and update accordingly ${USE_SUDO} dd if=/dev/xvdb of=${INSTALLPATH}/testfile bs=512 count=1000 oflag=dsync &> output res=$(cat output | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $6}') # writing this since bc may not be default support in customer environment res_int=$(echo $res | grep -E -o "[0-9]+" | head -n 1) if [[ $res_int -gt 60 ]]; then echo "ERROR: Disk latency test failed. By copying 512 kB, the time must be shorter than 60s, recommended to be shorter than 10s, validation result is ${res_int}s " | tee -a ${OUTPUT} ERROR=1 LOCALTEST=1 elif [[ $res_int -gt 10 ]]; then echo "WARNING: Disk latency test failed. By copying 512 kB, the time recommended to be shorter than 10s, validation result is ${res_int}s " | tee -a ${OUTPUT} WARNING=1 LOCALTEST=1 fi # Note: Here location has been chose as /dev/xvdb as this is the storage space where I mounted /install. # Check your storage before running the test and update accordingly ${USE_SUDO} dd if=/dev/xvdb of=${INSTALLPATH}/testfile bs=1G count=1 oflag=dsync &> output res=$(cat output | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $6}') # writing this since bc may not be default support in customer environment res_int=$(echo $res | grep -E -o "[0-9]+" | head -n 1) if [[ $res_int -gt 35 ]]; then echo "ERROR: Disk throughput test failed. By copying 1.1 GB, the time must be shorter than 35s, recommended to be shorter than 5s, validation result is ${res_int}s " | tee -a ${OUTPUT} ERROR=1 LOCALTEST=1 elif [[ $res_int -gt 5 ]]; then echo "WARNING: Disk throughput test failed. By copying 1.1 GB, the time is recommended to be shorter than 5s, validation result is ${res_int}s " | tee -a ${OUTPUT} WARNING=1 LOCALTEST=1 fi rm -f output > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -f ${INSTALLPATH}/testfile > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ ${LOCALTEST} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "PASS" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} fi echo echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 LOCALTEST=0 echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 echo "Checking gateway" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} ${USE_SUDO} ip route | grep "default" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "ERROR: default gateway is not setup " | tee -a ${OUTPUT} ERROR=1 LOCALTEST=1 fi if [[ ${LOCALTEST} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "PASS" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} fi echo echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 LOCALTEST=0 echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 echo "Checking DNS" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} ${USE_SUDO} cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep -E "nameserver [0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+" &> /dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "ERROR: DNS is not properly setup " | tee -a ${OUTPUT} ERROR=1 LOCALTEST=1 fi if [[ ${LOCALTEST} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "PASS" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} fi echo echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 LOCALTEST=0 echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 echo "Checking chrony / ntp" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} TIMESYNCON=1 # 1 for not sync 0 for sync ${USE_SUDO} systemctl status ntpd > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 || $? -eq 3 ]]; then # 0 is active, 3 is active, both are ok here TIMESYNCON=0 fi ${USE_SUDO} systemctl status chronyd > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -eq 0 || $? -eq 3 ]]; then # 0 is active, 3 is active, both are ok here TIMESYNCON=0 fi if [[ ${TIMESYNCON} -ne 0 ]]; then echo "WARNING: NTP/Chronyc is not setup " | tee -a ${OUTPUT} WARNING=1 LOCALTEST=1 fi if [[ ${LOCALTEST} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "PASS" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} fi echo echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 LOCALTEST=0 echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 echo "Checking if firewall is shutdown" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} ${USE_SUDO} service iptables status > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "WARNING: iptable is not disabled" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} LOCALTEST=1 WARNING=1 fi ${USE_SUDO} service ip6tables status > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "WARNING: ip6table is not disabled" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} LOCALTEST=1 WARNING=1 fi ${USE_SUDO} systemctl status firewalld > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "WARNING: firewalld is not disabled" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} LOCALTEST=1 WARNING=1 fi if [[ ${LOCALTEST} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "PASS" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} fi echo echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 LOCALTEST=0 echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 echo "Checking SELinux" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} selinux_res="$(${USE_SUDO} getenforce 2>&1)" if [[ ! "${selinux_res}" =~ ("Permissive"|"permissive"|"Enforcing"|"enforcing") ]]; then echo "ERROR: SElinux is not in enforcing or permissive mode" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} LOCALTEST=1 ERROR=1 fi if [[ ${LOCALTEST} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "PASS" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} fi echo echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 LOCALTEST=0 echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 echo "Checking pre-exsiting cronjob" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} ${USE_SUDO} crontab -l | grep -E "*" &> /dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] ; then echo "WARNING: Found cronjob set up in background. Please make sure cronjob will not change ip route, hosts file or firewall setting during installation" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} LOCALTEST=1 WARNING=1 fi if [[ ${LOCALTEST} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "PASS" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} fi echo echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 LOCALTEST=0 echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 echo "Checking size of root partition" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} ROOTSIZE=$(${USE_SUDO} df -k -BG "/" | awk '{print($4 " " $6)}' | grep "/" | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed 's/G//g') if [[ $ROOTSIZE -lt 10 ]] ; then echo "ERROR: size of root partition is smaller than 10G" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} LOCALTEST=1 ERROR=1 fi if [[ ${LOCALTEST} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "PASS" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} fi echo echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 LOCALTEST=0 echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 echo "Checking if install path: ${INSTALLPATH} have enough space (${INSTALLPATH_SIZE}GB)" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} PARTITION=$(${USE_SUDO} df -k -BG | grep ${INSTALLPATH}) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "ERROR: can not find the ${INSTALLPATH} partition you specified in install_path" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} LOCALTEST=1 ERROR=1 else PARTITION=$(echo $PARTITION | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/G//g') if [[ ${PARTITION} -lt ${INSTALLPATH_SIZE} ]]; then echo "WARNING: size of install_path ${INSTALLPATH} is smaller than requirement (${INSTALLPATH_SIZE}GB)" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} LOCALTEST=1 ERROR=1 fi fi if [[ ${LOCALTEST} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "PASS" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} fi echo echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 if [[ $DATAPATH != "" && $DATAPATH != "DATAPATH_PLACEHOLDER" ]]; then LOCALTEST=0 echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 echo "This is a storage node, checking if data path: ${DATAPATH} have enough space (${DATAPATH_SIZE}GB)" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} cmd='df -k -BG | grep ${DATAPATH}' PARTITION=$(${USE_SUDO} df -k -BG | grep ${DATAPATH}) if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "ERROR: can not find the ${DATAPATH} partition you specified in data_path" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} LOCALTEST=1 ERROR=1 else PARTITION=$(echo $PARTITION | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/G//g') if [[ ${PARTITION} -lt ${DATAPATH_SIZE} ]]; then echo "WARNING: size of data_path ${DATAPATH} is smaller than requirement (${DATAPATH_SIZE}GB)" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} LOCALTEST=1 ERROR=1 fi fi if [[ ${LOCALTEST} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "PASS" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} fi echo echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 fi LOCALTEST=0 echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 echo "Checking if xfs is enabled" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} ${USE_SUDO} xfs_info ${INSTALLPATH} | grep "ftype=1" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then echo "ERROR: xfs is not enabled, ftype=0, should be 1" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} LOCALTEST=1 ERROR=1 fi if [[ ${LOCALTEST} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "PASS" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} fi echo echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 LOCALTEST=0 echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 echo "Checking CPU core numbers and RAM size" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} # Get CPU numbers and min frequency cpunum=$(${USE_SUDO} cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep '^processor' |wc -l | xargs) if [[ ! ${cpunum} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "ERROR: Invalid cpu numbers '${cpunum}'" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} else checkCPU ${cpunum} ${CPU} if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then LOCALTEST=1 WARNING=1 fi fi mem=$(${USE_SUDO} cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal | awk '{print $2}') # Get Memory info mem=$(( $mem/1000000 )) if [[ ! ${mem} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "ERROR: Invalid memory size '${mem}'" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} else checkRAM ${mem} ${RAM} if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then LOCALTEST=1 WARNING=1 fi fi if [[ ${LOCALTEST} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "PASS" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} fi echo echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 if [[ ${MASTERONE} = "NO" || $# -eq 1 ]]; then LOCALTEST=0 echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 echo "Checking to confirm docker is not installed " | tee -a ${OUTPUT} ${USE_SUDO} which docker > /dev/null 2>&1 rc1=$? ${USE_SUDO} systemctl status docker &> /dev/null rc2=$? if [[ ${rc1} -eq 0 ]] || [[ ${rc2} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "ERROR: Docker is already installed with a different version or settings, please uninstall Docker" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} LOCALTEST=1 ERROR=1 fi if [[ ${LOCALTEST} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "PASS" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} fi echo echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 fi LOCALTEST=0 echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 echo "Checking to confirm Kubernetes is not installed" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} ${USE_SUDO} systemctl status kubelet &> /dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "ERROR: Kubernetes is already installed with a different version or settings, please uninstall Kubernetes" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} LOCALTEST=1 ERROR=1 else ${USE_SUDO} which kubectl &> /dev/null if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "ERROR: Kubernetes is already installed with a different version or settings, please uninstall Kubernetes" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} LOCALTEST=1 ERROR=1 fi fi if [[ ${LOCALTEST} -eq 0 ]]; then echo "PASS" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} fi echo echo "##########################################################################################" >> ${OUTPUT} 2>&1 #log result if [[ ${ERROR} -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Finished with ERROR, please check ${OUTPUT}" exit 2 elif [[ ${WARNING} -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Finished with WARNING, please check ${OUTPUT}" exit 1 else echo "Finished successfully! This node meets the requirement" | tee -a ${OUTPUT} exit 0 fi