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Presto is currently licensed by Apache and provides an ANSI SQL compliance and a rules based optimizer. In the Fall of 2014, Presto was up to 88 releases, with 41 Contributors and 3943 commits. In the Spring 2015, Teradata provided the first ever commercial support for Presto and is committed to a multi-phased roadmap.

It is a 100% open source SQL on Hadoop Engine. Presto offers a modern code base, proven scalability, interactive querying and cross platform query capability. Presto is used by a community of well known, well respected technology companies. And, Presto can leverage HCAT schema and also work with ORC file formats today.If you are looking for an ANSI SQL, fast engine on Hadoop, and you also need to access data outside of Hadoop, Presto is a good fit. Keep in mind that individual tasks must fit into memory at this time, so it is not the best choice for large scale batch on Hadoop.