Created on 08-10-2018 08:43 PM - edited on 02-22-2022 08:03 PM by subratadas
1. Prerequisites
2. Enable Knox-Ranger Plugin in Ambari
3. Create a Knox Policy for Hive
After enabling the Knox Plugin for Ranger in Ambari, Knox policy should be automatically displayed in Ranger.
4. Connections Test
Below are the IPs I considered for testing
Test Cases:
Case 1: Allow connections through Knox → Hive for any IPs for the group “sales”
Test connection from both the IPs for user Sales1 in group “Sales” and connections are successful
Case 2: Allow connections through Knox → Hive only for IPs range 172.25.40.*for the group “sales”
Note: * works as a wild card in Ranger
Few points to consider:
5. Access Granularity suggestions
We can customize Ranger Polices with Dynamic Context; the following article explains in detail the steps:
Customizing Ranger Policies with Dynamic Context