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Manual install cluster:::

  1. Create VM’s:
    1. OS = RHEL6/RHEL7 (depending on ur HDP version)
    2. Java = OpenJDK8
  2. Set java home on all the nodes of cluster (make sure you have the correct java path first before setting it. The path value might differ based on what java subversion gets installed)
    1. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64
  3. Do the pass-word less ssh
    1. pick one node as amber host, create pub-pri key pair using ssh-keygen, then copy the public key into "/home/root/.ssh/authorized_keys" file on all the nodes
    2. Do test is password less ssh works (via doing ssh from the ambari node to all other nodes), if this fails, you need to resolve it first as the entire installation depends on it.
  4. NTP set-up (on all nodes)
    1. Yum install -y ntp
    2. Start ntp:
    1. "/etc/init.d/ntpd start" (RHEL6)
    2. "systemctl enable ntpd" and "systemctl start ntpd" (RHEL7)
  • Check "/etc/hosts" file on all hosts: should have all node entries in it
    1. vi /etc/hosts
  • Edit network file (on all nodes)
    1. vi /etc/sysconfig/network
    1. NETWORKING=yes
    2. HOSTNAME=<>
      1. (FQDN of the particular node where you are editing the /etc/sysconfig/network file)
  • Stop IP-tables: some times it might throw some error like "permission denied", you can ignore it)
    1. service iptables stop (RHEL6)
    2. systemctl disable firewalld and service firewalld stop (RHEL7)
  • Disable secure linux (all nodes)
    1. setenforce 0
  • Umask set to 0022 (all nodes)
    1. umask 0022
    2. echo umask 0022 >> /etc/profile
  • Get the amber repo file (on node where amber will be installed)
    1. wget -nv -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo (RHEL6, HDP 2.6)
    2. wget -nv -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo (RHEL7, HDP 2.6)
  • Install amber server (amber server node only)
    1. yum install ambari-server
  • If want to use mysql for ambari: Set-up mysql
    1. Check the page:
    1. yum install mysql-connector-java
    2. Yum install mysql-server
    3. Start the service:service mysqld start(when mysql is installed)
  • Do the steps to set-up the DAT file required by the amber install.
    1. When u do 'mysql -u root -p’ is will ask for password, just hit ‘enter’ (i.e. blank password)
  • Do amber server config, and start amber server
    1. ambari-server setup -j $JAVA_HOME (assuming JAVA_HOME is already set, if not set it)
      1. Accept y for temporarily disable SELinux
      2. Accept n for Customize user account for ambari-server (assuming ambari runs under "root" user).
      3. Accept y for temporarily disabling iptables
      4. Select n for advanced database configuration ( select y if you want to set-up ambari with MySQL or any other db which should be already installed on the same node).
      5. At Proceed with configuring remote database connection properties [y/n] choose y.
      6. This completes the set-up
  • Start and check ambari server
    1. ambari-server start
    2. ambari-server status
    3. If you want to stop ambari server: ambari-server stop
  • When successful, you should reach amber ui and should work from there on.
  • Happy Installing....