Created on 02-23-2017 05:20 PM
1. Create keystore file first.
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias ooziehost -keystore keystore.jks -validity 360 -keysize 2048
2. Login to Ambari server and go to Oozie configurations.
3. Add below configurations under "Advanced oozie-env"
export OOZIE_HTTPS_PORT=11443 export OOZIE_HTTPS_KEYSTORE_FILE=/tmp/keystore.jks export OOZIE_HTTPS_KEYSTORE_PASS=bigdata
4. Restart Oozie service from UI.
5. Now launch the Oozie UI from quick links - you should be able to access the URL
Note: Make sure to import the cert into Ambari Truststore.
Created on 10-31-2017 09:28 PM
@amarnath reddy pappu - I believe we will have to regenerate war file in secure mode and restart Oozie service again.
su -l oozie -c "/usr/hdp/current/oozie-server/bin/ prepare-war -secure"
Created on 10-03-2018 03:18 PM
This would result in the keystore pass being stored in plain-text.
Is there a more secure method of storing the keystore pass?