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This video describes a step by step process for getting an HDP 3 cluster up and running on Centos 7. The video follows the Hortonworks Documentation and Support Matrix recommendations. Public repositories were used for a minimal two node install on CentOS 7.5.

  1. Services installed on Ambari node: ambari-server
  2. Services installed on node1: SmartSense, Ambari Metrics.

Open the video on YouTube here

Get ready

  1. Clean yum cache yum clean all
  2. Rebuild cache yum makecache 
  3. Install utilities yum install openssl openssh-clients curl unzip gzip tar wget
  4. Double-check free RAM memory in the system free -m
  5. Check limits configuration  ulimit -n -u
  6. Set limits, temporarily  ulimit -n 32768 ulimit -u 65536
  7. Set limits, permanently vim /etc/security/limits.conf root - nofile 32768 root - nproc 65536
  8. Generate RSA SSH key ssh-keygen
  9. Send public RSA key to node1 and configure it in the authorized keys file ssh-copy-id
  10. Test passwordless connection ssh
  11. Install NTP package yum install ntp -y
  12. Edit NTP conf file for setting ISO code, as shown in the first column of the Strum Time Servers vim /etc/ntp.conf
  13. Start NTP service systemctl start ntpd
  14. Check if the service is running systemctl status ntpd
  15. Print the list of time servers the hosts are synchronizing with ntpq -p
  16. Check the time drift between the hosts and an NTP server ntpdate -q
  17. Set hostnames on the fly hostname ambari.local hostname node1.local
  18. Edit the etc hosts file for setting the IP-names mapping vim /etc/hosts    ambari.local    ambari    node1.local    node1
  19. Edit the OS network file for setting the permanent host name vim /etc/sysconfig/network  NETWORKING=yes HOSTNAME=ambari.local NETWORKING=yes HOSTNAME=node1.local 
  20. Run a new shell for getting the current host names to show in the promt bash
  21. Double-check the output of hostname with and without f. They should be the same. hostname hostname -f
  22. Disable firewalld while intalling systemctl disable firewalld
  23. Stop firewall service service firewalld stop
  24. Check if SELinux is currently in enforcing mode getenforce
  25. Set it to permisive (or disabled) setenforce 0
  26. Check if it switched modes getenforce
  27. Download the public Apache Ambari repo file wget -nv -O/etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo
  28. List currently configured repositories yum repolist

Install Ambari Server

  1. Install ambari-server package yum install ambari-server
  2. Configure ambari-server ambari-server setup
  3. Start the service ambari-server start

Deploy HDP cluster component

  1. Browse to the Ambari Server user interface (UI). Default username and password are both admin http://ambari.local:8080/
  2. Take a look at the root user's private RSA file, the one generated before cat .ssh/id_rsa
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Version history
Last update:
‎12-22-2020 11:15 PM
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