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Created on
08:10 AM
- edited on
11:15 PM
This video describes a step by step process for getting an HDP 3 cluster up and running on Centos 7. The video follows the Hortonworks Documentation and Support Matrix recommendations. Public repositories were used for a minimal two node install on CentOS 7.5.
- Services installed on Ambari node: ambari-server
- Services installed on node1: SmartSense, Ambari Metrics.
Open the video on YouTube here
Get ready
- Clean yum cache yum clean all
- Rebuild cache yum makecache
- Install utilities yum install openssl openssh-clients curl unzip gzip tar wget
- Double-check free RAM memory in the system free -m
- Check limits configuration ulimit -n -u
- Set limits, temporarily ulimit -n 32768 ulimit -u 65536
- Set limits, permanently vim /etc/security/limits.conf root - nofile 32768 root - nproc 65536
- Generate RSA SSH key ssh-keygen
- Send public RSA key to node1 and configure it in the authorized keys file ssh-copy-id
- Test passwordless connection ssh
- Install NTP package yum install ntp -y
- Edit NTP conf file for setting ISO code, as shown in the first column of the Strum Time Servers http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Servers/StratumOneTimeServers vim /etc/ntp.conf
- Start NTP service systemctl start ntpd
- Check if the service is running systemctl status ntpd
- Print the list of time servers the hosts are synchronizing with ntpq -p
- Check the time drift between the hosts and an NTP server ntpdate -q 0.centos.pool.ntp.org
- Set hostnames on the fly hostname ambari.local hostname node1.local
- Edit the etc hosts file for setting the IP-names mapping vim /etc/hosts ambari.local ambari node1.local node1
- Edit the OS network file for setting the permanent host name vim /etc/sysconfig/network NETWORKING=yes HOSTNAME=ambari.local NETWORKING=yes HOSTNAME=node1.local
- Run a new shell for getting the current host names to show in the promt bash
- Double-check the output of hostname with and without f. They should be the same. hostname hostname -f
- Disable firewalld while intalling systemctl disable firewalld
- Stop firewall service service firewalld stop
- Check if SELinux is currently in enforcing mode getenforce
- Set it to permisive (or disabled) setenforce 0
- Check if it switched modes getenforce
- Download the public Apache Ambari repo file wget -nv http://public-repo1.hortonworks.com/ambari/centos7/2.x/updates/ -O/etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo
- List currently configured repositories yum repolist
Install Ambari Server
- Install ambari-server package yum install ambari-server
- Configure ambari-server ambari-server setup
- Start the service ambari-server start
Deploy HDP cluster component
- Browse to the Ambari Server user interface (UI). Default username and password are both admin http://ambari.local:8080/
- Take a look at the root user's private RSA file, the one generated before cat .ssh/id_rsa