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[ANNOUNCE] Cloudera Director 2.6.0 Released


We are pleased to announce the release of Cloudera Director 2.6.0.


Cloudera Director provides a simple, reliable, enterprise-grade way to deploy, scale, and manage Apache Hadoop in the cloud of your choice. Cloudera Director is available as a free download for use with Cloudera Express and is fully supported with Cloudera Enterprise.


What's New in Cloudera Director 2.6.0


  • Expanded support for TLS:
    • Automatic TLS for Cloudera Manager and CDH: Cloudera Director now provides the ability to automatically configure Cloudera Manager 5.13 or later and CDH 5.13 or later with TLS using a bespoke certificate authority based on the Cloudera Manager instance. See Automatic TLS (Auto-TLS).
    • Manual TLS Support for Cloudera Manager: Cloudera Director is now able to communicate with Cloudera Manager 5.13 or later after it has been configured manually to communicate over TLS. See Manual TLS.
    • TLS Support for Cloudera Director clients: The Java and Python client libraries and the Cloudera Director client are now able to communicate with the Cloudera Director server after the server has been configured to communicate over TLS. See TLS for Cloudera Director Itself.
  • SSH Host Key Support: Cloudera Director can now retrieve SSH host keys from instances it allocates to provide extra security. See SSH Host Key Retrieval and Verification.
  • You can change the AMI stored in a cluster template (for example, if the original AMI is no longer available), and Cloudera Director will continue to work with the new AMI.
  • Starting with Cloudera Manager 5.13, Cloudera Director is able to delete Kerberos principals automatically created for a cluster when the cluster is terminated.
  • AWS EBS volumes with provisioned IOPS are now supported.
  • An instance template now supports specification of a rack ID for instances created from it. The rack ID can be used by Cloudera Manager and CDH to guide data distribution and increase durability.
  • New features and changes with Microsoft Azure:
    • Simplified Azure Environment and instance template configurations. Configurations from previous releases of Cloudera Director will continue to be supported.
    • Support for Azure Managed Disks.
    • The instance prefix requirements have been relaxed to support prefixes of one and two characters.
    • Virtual machines can now be provisioned without an Availability Set.
    • Support for new disk sizes:
      • P/S40 (2048 GB)
      • P/S50 (4095 GB)
    • Some web UI menu items have been moved from the Advanced section to the Basic section.
    • Referencing Azure Marketplace Images inline in the Image field is now supported using this format: /publisher/<publisher>/offer/<offer>/sku/<sku>/version/<version>.
    • Deploying clusters with custom images is now supported when using Azure Managed Disks. See Deploying Clusters with Custom Images.
  • A number of issues have been fixed. See Issues Fixed in Cloudera Director 2.6.0 for details.
  • A beta of version 2 of the Cloudera Director plugin SPI is available, and the plugins that ship with Cloudera Director are updated to use it.

For more info on downloading and installing Director, see the links below.


As always, we are happy to hear your feedback. Please post your questions and comments on our community forum